Vateria Indica — Piney Pin ey, a. [Of East Indian origin.] A term used in designating an East Indian tree (the {Vateria Indica} or piney tree, of the order {Dipterocarpe[ae]}, which grows in Malabar, etc.) or its products. [1913 Webster] {Piney dammar}, {Piney… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vateria Indica — Piney Pin ey, a. [Of East Indian origin.] A term used in designating an East Indian tree (the {Vateria Indica} or piney tree, of the order {Dipterocarpe[ae]}, which grows in Malabar, etc.) or its products. [1913 Webster] {Piney dammar}, {Piney… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vateria Indica — Piney Pin ey, a. [Of East Indian origin.] A term used in designating an East Indian tree (the {Vateria Indica} or piney tree, of the order {Dipterocarpe[ae]}, which grows in Malabar, etc.) or its products. [1913 Webster] {Piney dammar}, {Piney… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vateria indica — indinė vaterija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Sparneninių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Vateria indica), paplitęs atogrąžų Azijoje (Indijoje). Iš jo gaunamas vaškas. atitikmenys: lot. Vateria indica angl. white dammar isp. vateria šaltinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Vateria indica — ID 87201 Symbol Key VAIN5 Common Name white dammar Family Dipterocarpaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Cultivated, or not in the U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution N/A Growth Habit N/A … USDA Plant Characteristics
Vateria indica L. — Symbol VAIN5 Common Name white dammar Botanical Family Dipterocarpaceae … Scientific plant list
Vateria — Vateria V. i … Wikipedia Español
Vateria — taxobox image caption = Vateria indica regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots unranked ordo = Rosids ordo = Malvales familia = Dipterocarpaceae genus = Vateria genus authority = L.cite web url=http://www.ars… … Wikipedia
Vateria — Vaterĭa L., Pflanzengattg. der Dipterokarpazeen, hohe Bäume des trop. Asiens. V. indĭca L. (Talg oder Kopalbaum), in Vorderindien, liefert aus Einschnitten in die Rinde den Manilakopal, in den Samen ein Fett (Vateria , Malabar , Pineytalg), das… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Vaterĭa — (V. L.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Dipterocarpeae, 13. Kl. 1. Ordn. L.; Arten: V. indica, Baum in Ostindien, mit dicker, aschgrauer, innen röthlicher Rinde, leberartigen, länglichen Blättern, weißen Blumen. Aus der verwundeten Rinde… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon