- Ternstroemia
image_caption = "Ternstroemia gymnanthera "
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Malpighiales
familia =Theaceae
genus = "Ternstroemia""Ternstroemia" is a genus of
plant in familyTheaceae . It contains the following species (but this list may be incomplete):
* "Ternstroemia bullata ", Proctor
* "Ternstroemia calycina ", F. & R.
* "Ternstroemia cleistogama ", Kobuski
* "Ternstroemia corneri ", H. Keng
* "Ternstroemia evenia ", (King) A.C. Smith
* "Ternstroemia glomerata ", Proctor
* "Ternstroemia granulata ", Krug & Urb.
* "Ternstroemia howardiana ", Kobuski
* "Ternstroemia landae ", Standley & L.O. Williams
* "Ternstroemia luquillensis ", Krug & Urban
* "Ternstroemia maclellandiana ", Ridl.
* "Ternstroemia penangiana ", Choisy
* "Ternstroemia polypetala ", Melchior
* "Ternstroemia subsessilis ", (Britt.) Kobuski
* "Ternstroemia wallichiana ", (Griffith) Engl.
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