

Infobox Islands
name = Hopen

image caption = Hopen in the southeast.
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location = Arctic Ocean
coordinates = coord|76|33|N|25|7|E|type:isle|display=inline,title
archipelago = Svalbard
total islands =
major islands =
area = 47 km² (Length approximately 33 km, width 2 km)
highest mount = Iversenfjellet
elevation = convert|370|m|ft|0|lk=on
country = Norway
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country 2 =
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country 2 largest city =
country 2 largest city population =
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population = 4
population as of =
density =
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Hopen is an island in the southeastern part of the Svalbard archipelago (Norway). Hopen was discovered in 1613, probably by Thomas Marmaduke of Hull, who named it after his former command, the "Hopewell".

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Norges Meteorologiske Institutt) operates a manned weather station on the island with a staff of four persons. For the welfare of the crew, there are three cabins available on the island for their use.

During World War II, the Luftwaffe placed a meteorological team there under cover of Operation Sizilien.

External links

* [http://met.no/english/about/organisation/met_dep/forecast_nn/hopen.html Norwegian Meteorological Institute: About Hopen Island]
* [http://met.no/observasjoner/svalbard/Hopen/index.html Hopen weather data at met.no]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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