

Bullnose is a term used in building construction for rounded convex trim, particularly in ceramic tile. [ [http://www.ceramic-tile.com/glossary.cfm?grp=B Ceramic Tile glossary of terms ] ]


Bullnose trim is used to provide a smooth, rounded edge for countertops, building corners, or other construction.

When referring to bullnose, it is sometimes modified by adding the word quarter of half. In the illustration, one piece of quarter-bullnose tile is juxtaposed with a plain piece of tile, to create a finished look - note that the top trim strip shows a quarter-bullnose on two of its sides.

However, when referring to counter tops (such as a granite counter top in a kitchen) which extends beyond the edge of the underlying cabinetry, either a quarter-bullnose of half-bullnose edge my be used. A half-bullnose can be contructed by bonding two sections with quarter-bullnose, effectively creating a 180-degree curve, in order to create a more finished appearance. This would effectively double the thickness of that portion which extends beyond the cabinetry.

See also

*Ceramic tile


[http://www.bullnoseworldusa.com Colorado Springs Bullnose Fabrication]

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