- HLA-DR18
HLA-DR18 is genetically linked to DR52 and HLA-DQ2 serotypes. These serotypesare the result of gene products from the HLA-DRB3* and HLA DQA1*0501 and HLA DQB1*0201 alleles.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
HLA-DR18 is genetically linked to DR52 and HLA-DQ2 serotypes. These serotypesare the result of gene products from the HLA-DRB3* and HLA DQA1*0501 and HLA DQB1*0201 alleles.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
HLA-DR3 — is composed to the HLA DR17 and HLA DR18 split antigens serotypes. DR3 is a component gene allele of the AH8.1 haplotype in Northern and Western Europeans. Genes between B8 and DR3 on this haplotype are frequently associated with autoimmune… … Wikipedia
HLA DR3-DQ2 — Mgh haplotype = HLA DR3 DQ2 image source = HLA region on chromosome 6 chromosome = 6 location = 6p21.3 variable = alias = HLA DRB1*0301:DQA1*0501:DQB1*0201 othertype = Serotype loci1name = HLA DR loci1rows = 3 gene1name = HLA DRA gene1var = [http … Wikipedia