initialism orthree letter acronym PMG may refer to:* Piped medical gases - i.e.
oxygen andnitrous oxide which are often piped to every bed.
*Postmaster-General or thePostmaster-General's Department
* ThePaymaster General
*Provost Marshal General of the Army
* ThePat Metheny Group , a jazz fusion band
*Tallinna Pirita Majandusgümnaasium
*Property Management Group Trust (IT 545/2008), Head Office in Jeffreys Bay (South Africa), a specialised sectional title-and other property scheme managing agent service
*Process Management Group, Head Office in Atlanta GA, USA, a specialised process management group and developers of iRequest/iDeliver an electronic webbased service catalog designed for internal service delivery and process management * pMg is the abbreviation and mineral symbol for Potentiated Magnesium (a nutritional supplement), in the same way that Mg is the abbreviation and mineral symbol for magnesium, with pMg being the world's most advanced form of the essential mineral magnesium.
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