

The Zepp music halls are a group of Japanese music halls covering every area of the country. The Zepp halls play host to many international tours and are a popular stop among Japanese musicians. Each venue takes the Zepp name, along with the city in which it is located. The Zepp company is a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment Japan.

The Zepp venues are sponsored by the Asahi Breweries.


From north to south:

;Zepp Sapporo
*Founded: April, 1998
*Capacity: 2000

;Zepp Sendai
*Founded: August 1, 2000
*Capacity: 1500

;Zepp Tokyo
*Founded: March, 1999
*Capacity: 2700

;Zepp Nagoya
*Founded March, 2005
*Capacity: 1800

;Zepp Osaka
*Founded: November, 1998
*Capacity: 2200

;Zepp Fukuoka
*Founded: June, 1999
*Capacity: 2000

External links

* [http://www.zepp.co.jp/index.php Zepp Official Site]

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