

Vihangam Yoga is an ancient meditation technique practiced by Indian seers and sages. It is also known as Brahma Vidhya, Madhu Vidhya, Para Vidhya in the Indian ancient most scriptures and Vedas. Vihangam literally means "bird". Just as a bird leaves its base on the earth to fly high in the sky, so does Vihangam Yoga to enable the human Soul (Atma) to cut off its moorings in the Prakriti (phenomenal world) and realize its true and free nature.

This knowledge is emerged from Brahma so it is also named as Brahma Vidhya and who ever has gained this knowledge by practising it called Brahma Rishi. Through the Vihangam Yoga meditation, one easily raises his soul's energy to open "Kundalini sakti" (the hidden Potential in all of us) under the able guidance of a true Sadguru and attains Soul's conscious state, from where it actually starts the pray to "Supreme Soul". This is a situation where the soul is in its own state i.e it is not attached with Maan (Intellect or Mind) and Prana - the true form.

This knowledge of Brahma Vidhya emerges from the Eternal Sadguru only. One cannot gain this knowledge by reading books or even practisizing any Yoga.Fact|date=October 2008

Basics of Vihangam Yoga

Vihangam Yoga is based on gaining the complete knowledge of Six Eternal Things, They are

Parama Purush (Supreme Soul)

The supreme - Being (Parama Purusha) is omniscient, omnipotent and the base of everything that exists. He is also known as Supreme Soul (Paramatma), Supreme Brahma (Para Brahma), and Supreme Word (Sar Shabda) and by various other names. He has been described as Sat-chit-ananda i.e. one who is eternally existent, infinitely conscious and supremely blissful.

Eternal Sadguru

The Eternal Sadguru is the messenger of Paramatma. Brahma Vidya (the Divine Wisdom) emanates from Him and he is the Lord of the spiritual domain. In the beginning of the creation, he is sent by the Supreme Being into the world with the light of spiritual knowledge. His only mission is to awaken the suffering souls of the world from the sleepy state of ignorance by shedding upon them the divine light. He liberates the craving and deserving souls from the bondage of Prakriti and enables them to enjoy the nectarine bliss of the Supreme Being.

Akshar Brahma

That which creates, sustains and dissolves the universe is Akshara Brahma. All the physical forces as well as mind and Pranas (the life forces) originate form Akshara Brahma. Scientifically speaking the Akshara Brahma, which is responsible for 'big bang' in the 'cosmic egg' from which the process of creation starts. The motion in particles is imparted by it. As a matter of fact, all the activities in the world are solely due to it.


There is only one Supreme Brahma. There is only one Akshara Brahma as well. But the- souls are innumerable. Though bliss is not the intrinsic quality of a Soul, it possesses the other two qualities like those of the Supreme Being, viz. eternal existence and consciousness. However, there are two, basic differences between the two. Firstly, the consciousness of a soul is limited whereas that of the Supreme Soul is unlimited. Secondly, while the Paramatma remains in one and the same form with its consciousness not undergoing any change, the consciousness of a soul attains different levels in the six states it is known to exist. The six states in one of which a soul exists are Hansa Deha (super-conscious state), Kaivalya Deha (conscious state), Mahakarana Deha (prime causal state), Karana Deha (causal state), Sukshma Deha (subtle body) and Sthoola Deha (gross body).

Kala (Time)

The concept, on which the chronological order of events is based, is called Kala (Time). Time is an abstract entity and is conceived only through the changes that take, place around us. The Prakriti (Nature) undergoes a continuous transformation or change right from the moment of the creation of theuniverse till its dissolution. These changes indicate the incessant flow of time. Even during the dissolution when no change, whatever, occurs, time does not cease to exist. Like all other conscious and inert objects, time concept also rests with the Supreme Being who decides the duration of the dissolution based on this concept alone. Time is thus an eternal entity.

Prakriti (Nature)

All the insentient objects in the universe are composed of one basic substance called Nature or Prakriti. Prakriti Maya and Paramanu is synonymous. Prakriti consists of three gunas - Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas, whose characteristics are illumination, activity and inertia or sluggishness respectively.when there is no creation, nature or Prakriti exists in its seed (or cosmic egg) form, which is called Mool Prakriti. In Mool Prakriti the three gunas remain in balance and do not interact. The creation starts with the vibration in the Mool Prakriti. As a result of the vibration, the gunas of Prakriti combine in different proportions to give, rise to a variety of substances.

External links

* [ Vihnagamyoga Home]
* [ Vihangamyoga Australia]

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