- Ahu Akivi
Ahu Akivi is an ahu with sevenmoai onRapa Nui (Easter Island ) inChilean Polynesia . The "ahu" and its "moai" were restored in 1960 by the American archaeologistWilliam Mulloy and hisChilean colleague, Gonzalo Figueroa García-Huidobro. Mulloy's work on the Akivi-Vaiteka Complex was supported by theFulbright Foundation and by grants from theUniversity of Wyoming , theUniversity of Chile and the International Fund for Monuments.Ahu Akivi also gives its name to one of the seven regions of theRapa Nui National Park .Unlike other Rapa Nui ceremonial centers with "ahu", the Akivi-Vaiteka Complex is not located on the coast. In contrast to the monumental statuary at other sites on the island, the "moai" at "Ahu Akivi" face the ocean.
* Mulloy, W.T. 1968. Preliminary Report of Archaeological Field Work, February-July, 1968, Easter Island. New York, N.Y.: Easter Island Committee, International Fund for Monuments.
* Mulloy, W.T., and G. Figueroa. 1978. "The A Kivi-Vai Teka Complex and its Relationship to Easter Island Architectural Prehistory." Honolulu: Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
* Mulloy, W.T., and S.R. Fischer. 1993. "Easter Island Studies: Contributions to the History of Rapanui in Memory of William T. Mulloy." Oxford: Oxbow Books.
* Mulloy, W.T., World Monuments Fund, and Easter Island Foundation. 1995. "The Easter Island Bulletins of William Mulloy." New York; Houston: World Monuments Fund; Easter Island Foundation.
* Norwegian Archaeological Expedition to Easter Island and the East Pacific, T. Heyerdahl, E.N. Ferdon, W.T. Mulloy, A. Skjølsvold, C.S. Smith. 1961. "Archaeology of Easter Island." Stockholm; Santa Fe, N.M.: Forum Pub. House; distributed by The School of American Research.External links
* [http://www.museorapanui.cl/Biblioteca/index.php William Mulloy Library]
* [http://www.museorapanui.cl/Inicio Father Sebastian Englert Anthropology Museum]
* [http://www.islandheritage.org/ Easter Island Foundation]
* [http://www.mapsouthpacific.com/easter_island/index.html Map of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)]
* [http://www.apj.co.uk/rapanui/easter-island-fact-sheet.asp Rapa Nui Fact Sheet with Photographs]
* [http://www.ianandwendy.com/OtherTrips/SouthPacific/Easter-Island/index.htm Rapa Nui Photo Gallery]
* [http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/easter/index.php The Statues and Rock Art of Rapa Nui]
* [http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/a&s/Development/People/Mulloy-T-William-03.html University of Wyoming Outstanding Former Faculty]
* [http://www.netaxs.com/~trance/rapanui.html Unofficial Easter Island Homepage]
* [http://www.eisp.org/ Easter Island Statue Project]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/easter/explore/ahuakivi.html Nova: The Secrets of Easter Island]
* [http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/easter/statue-scale.php Easter Island - Moai Statue Scale]
* [http://www.tegakinet.jp/moai.htm How to make Walking Moai]
* [http://www.radio.cz/en/article/35755 Czech Who Made Moai Walk Returns to Easter Island]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.