Horsfieldia superba

Horsfieldia superba

status = LR/nt
status_system = IUCN2.3
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Magnoliids
ordo = Magnoliales
familia = Myristicaceae
genus = "Horsfieldia"
species = "H. superba"
binomial = "Horsfieldia superba"
binomial_authority = (Hk. f. & Th.) Warb.|

"Horsfieldia superba" is a species of plant in the Myristicaceae family. It is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, and is threatened by habitat loss. It is used in traditional herbal medicine [Teo LE, Pachiaper G, Chan KC, Hadi HA, Weber JF, Deverre JR, David B, Sévenet T. A new phytochemical survey of Malaysia V. Preliminary screening and plant chemical studies. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology" 1990; 28(1):63-101.] and contains an alkaloid called horsfiline, which has analgesic effects, [ [http://www.google.com/patents?id=4ooRAAAAEBAJ&dq=6774132 Alf Claesson, Britt-Marie Swahn, Odd-Geir Berge. Spirooxindole derivatives that act as analgesics. US Patent 6774132] ] as well as several other compounds including 5-MeO-DMT and 6-methoxy-2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-β-carboline. [Jossang A, Jossang P, Hadi HA, Sevenet T, Bodo B. Horsfiline, an oxindole alkaloid from Horsfieldia superba. "Journal of Organic Chemistry" 1991; 56(23):6527-6530. DOI 10.1021/jo00023a016]

ee also

*Psychedelic plants


* Chua, L.S.L. 1998. [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/31557/all "Horsfieldia superba"] . [http://www.iucnredlist.org 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 22 August 2007.


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