- Veensgarth
Veensgarth (
Old Norse : "Vikingsgarðr" = Viking farm, or "Vingarðr" = Meadow Farm), is in the Tingwall valley west ofLerwick inShetland . It includes the Vallafield housing estate.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Veensgarth (
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
List of places in Shetland — This is a list of towns, villages and smaller settlements on the Shetland Islands, Scotland.Source: [http://www.shetlopedia.com/Shetland Settlements www.shetlopedia.com/Shetland Settlements] compactTOC NOTOC A*Aith, Aithsetter, AywickB*Baliasta,… … Wikipedia
South Mainland — The South Mainland of the Shetland Islands is the part of the Mainland lying south of Hellister (60° 14′N) *Lerwick *Scalloway *Veensgarth *Gulberwick *Quarff *Cunningsburgh *Sandwick *Hoswick *Bigton, Saint Ninian s Isle *Scousburgh *Fitful Head … Wikipedia
Tingwall, Shetland — Tingwall, (Old Norse: Þingvollr = Field of the Thing (assembly)) is a hamlet and parish in Shetland, mostly on Mainland.The hamlet lies about 4 miles north west of Lerwick. It is at the head of a long narrow bay. Tingwall Airport is… … Wikipedia
Laurence I. Graham — Laurence I. Graham, better known as Lollie Graham, is a well known Shetland poet and author, born in Stromfirth in 1924. The family moved to one of the new croft holdings at Veensgarth, Tingwall and he has lived there ever since. He has been a… … Wikipedia