History of Brigham Young University

History of Brigham Young University

The history of Brigham Young University begins in 1875, when the school was called Brigham Young Academy. The school did not reach university status until 1903, in a decision made by the school's Board of Trustees at the request of BYU President Benjamin Cluff. It became accredited during the tenure of President Franklin S. Harris, under whom it gained national recognition as a university. A period of expansion after the Second World War caused the student body to grow many times in size, making BYU the largest private university of the time. The school's history is closely connected with the its sponsor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Early years

BYU's origin can be traced back to 1862. In that year, Warren Dusenberry started a Provo school in a prominent adobe building called Cluff Hall located in the northeast corner of 200 East and 200 North. Dusenberry paid the $50 a month in rent and manufactured the desks for the school himself. In 1865, he left his school to enter into private business and to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 1869, he started another school in Provo with his brother, this time in a different building. This school flourished, so they relocated to a building called the Lewis Building on Center and 300 West. [cite news |first = D. Robert |last = Carter |url = http://old.heraldextra.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=53358 |title = The hall the Cluffs built |work = Provo Daily Herald |date = 2005-04-24] When the student body of the Dusenberry brothers' school hit 300, the school became a part of the University of Deseret, based in Salt Lake City. The school in Provo was called the Timpanogos branch.cite news |first = Sarah |last = Bills |url = http://newsnet.byu.edu/story.cfm/43900 |title = Warren Dusenberry (1875 - 1876) |work = BYU NewsNet |date = 2003-04-16] On October 16, 1875, Brigham Young, the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, personally purchased the Lewis Building. This is the commonly held founding date of BYU.cite web| title =Brigham Young High School History: 1869 to 1903 - The Founding Years | publisher =Brigham Young High School| url =http://abc.eznettools.net/D300015/X329586/History/HistoryDecades/From1869to1903.html| accessdate = 2007-08-19 ] Young broke the school off from the University of Deseret and christened it "Brigham Young Academy."

Classes at the new Brigham Young Academy commenced on the 3rd of January, 1876. Reed Smoot was the first of 29 students to register for classes on that day [he graduated from the BYA high school in the Class of 1880] . Warren Dusenberry served as interim principal of the school for several months until April 1876, when Brigham Young's choice for principal arrived, a German immigrant named Karl Maeser. In January 1884, a fire started in a chemistry lab and destroyed the Lewis Building. Students temporarily held class in three separate locations before relocating to a warehouse on University Avenue. The students attended class in the ZCMI warehouse until January 1892, when an elaborate brick and sandstone building called the "BY Academy Building" was completed.

Benjamin Cluff, Jr.

By this time, Maeser had to be replaced as President by the Board of Trustees. He had been called to oversee the entire LDS education program, and was unable to do both jobs. The Board's initial choice was the twenty-seven year old James E. Talmage, but before they could extend the invitation, he was hired by an LDS college in Salt Lake City. They instead chose a recent graduate of the University of Michigan, Benjamin Cluff, Jr. Cluff's methods as President have been described as nearly opposite those of Maeser. Maeser was insular and conservative in his teaching methods. He kept his teachings well within the LDS world, and adhered to classical education standards. Cluff was more open to new ideas and methods. He also believed that the world outside mormonism had a lot to offer the school.cite web| last =Wilkinson| first =Ernest L.| authorlink=Ernest L. Wilkinson| title =Highlights in the Ninety-Nine-Year History of BYU| publisher =Brigham Young University Press| date =10 October 1974| url =http://speeches.byu.edu/reader/reader.php?id=6112| accessdate =2007-08-19]

Brigham Young Academy was still more like a present-day high school than a university. Some Academy students were at the elementary level and received tutoring from older students. Cluff, however began implementing several changes to the school according to his experiences at Michigan. He began separation of the college from the high school, giving older students access to higher level materials. He also introduced an athletics program, which was quickly closed by the Board of Trustees (Many colleges at this time frowned on athletics programs). The school was privately supported by members of the community, and was not absorbed and sponsored officially by the LDS Church until July 18, 1896.cite web| title =From 1903 to 1920 ~ A High School Within a University| work =Brigham Young High School History| publisher =Brigham Young High School| date =2007| url =http://www.byhigh.org/History/HistoryDecades/From1903to1920.html| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ]

Cluff continued his somewhat unusual tactics in 1902, when he took a group of students on an expedition to Mexico to explore the lands of the Book of Mormon and discover Zarahemla. At the Mexican border, Cluff and his group were met by Heber J. Grant, a member of the Church's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Grant dissapproved of the expedition and asked Cluff to go back, but he refused. What followed was an eighteen month adventure through jungle, full of illness, and including a stay in Mexican prison. Cluff and his group eventually returned to the university in 1904. For another two years he served the school successfully, seeing it double in size. However, Walter Wolfe, one of the men who had come on the Mexican expedition, accused Cluff of mismanagement, misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds, and immorality, all having allegedly occurred in Mexico. Although Cluff was cleared of all charges, the damage done to his reputation required the Board to hire a new President.

In his last official act, Cluff proposed to the Board that the Academy be named "Brigham Young University". At first there was a large amount of opposition to this. Many members of the Board thought that the school wasn't large enough to be a University. However, the decision ultimately passed. One opponent to the decision, Anthon H. Lund, later said, "I hope their head will grow big enough for their hat."

George H. Brimhall

In 1903, Brigham Young Academy was dissolved, and was replaced by two institutions: Brigham Young High School, and Brigham Young University. [http://www.byhigh.org/History/HistoryDecades/From1903to1920.html History of Brigham Young High School from 1903 to 1920 ] ] (The BY High School class of 1907 was ultimately responsible for the famous giant "Y" that is to this day embedded on a mountain near campus.) The Board elected George H. Brimhall as the new President of BYU by a narrow margin, as his health during Cluff's tenure had been failing. Brimhall did not have the education of previous leaders of the school. He had not received a high school education until he was forty. Nevertheless, he was an excellent orator and organizer.

In 1904, the new Brigham Young University bought 17 acres of land from Provo. This land was called "Temple Hill," and many people had presumed that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would build a temple on this property. Because of this expectation, some people were opposed to BYU buying the land. But thanks to the leadership of a BYU student named Byron Owen Colton, the opposition to the land purchase was assuaged and the deal was consummated. [cite web| title =Why Everybody's Owin' Byron O. Colton | work =Brigham Young High School History| publisher =Brigham Young High School| date =2007| url =http://www.byhigh.org/History/TempleHill/ColtonByronO/ColtonByronO.html| accessdate = 2007-08-20] It was on this Temple Hill land, north of the BY Academy Building, that present-day BYU was begun. In 1909, construction began on the first building on the current campus, the Karl G. Maeser Memorial. [cite web| title =History| work =About BYU| publisher =BYU.edu| date =2007| url =http://unicomm.byu.edu/about/default.aspx?content=history| accessdate = 2007-08-20]

By 1910, Brimhall had hired several new faculty with high credentials, many of them Ph.Ds in their fields. This was an unprecedented step for the school, as Cluff had previously been the most educated member of the staff, with a Masters degree earned while he was in office. Brimhall, like many of the Presidents before him, believed in delegation, and distributed many of his duties among the new faculty. Eventually, problems began to arise. Several of the faculty believed that the school should teach organic evolution, while others disagreed. The ensuing contention ended with a decision not to teach evolution issued by President of the Church Joseph F. Smith, two faculty members being fired, and several others resigning out of sympathy for those discharged. History seems to show that the two faculty members were fired for an inability to compromise with the rest of the group, rather than their pro-evolution agenda, although this has been disputed. Many wondered whether the school would survive this crisis. A few have described the school at this time as nothing more than a "religious seminary". However, many of its graduates at this time would go on to great success and renown in their fields.

Franklin S. Harris to Ernest L. Wilkinson

Franklin S. Harris was appointed President of the University in 1921. He was the first President of the BYU to have a doctoral degree. Harris made several important changes to the school, lifting it from its somewhat dismal status at the end of Brimhall's tenure into a new era. Harris reorganized the college into a true University, whereas before its organization had remnants of the Academy days. He also began work on achieving accreditation for the school. At the beginning of his tenure, the school was not officially recognized as a university by any accreditation organization. By the end of his term, the school was accredited under all major accrediting organizations at the time. He served twenty-four years, longer than any other BYU President, before resigning in 1945 to work at Utah State.

Harris was replaced by President Howard S. McDonald, who had received his doctorate from the University of California. McDonald was used to an organization which placed the President at the head of decision-making, rather than a Board of Trustees. Because of this, he had a lot of trouble working with the Board, who at BYU had more power than he was accustomed to. However, he achieved several valuable things in his four-year tenure. When he first received the position, the Second World War had just ended, and thousands of students were flooding into BYU. By the end of his stay, the school had grown nearly five times to an enrollment of 5,440 students. The University did not have the facilities to handle such a large influx, so he bought part of an Air Force Base in Ogden, Utah, and rebuilt it to house some of the students. McDonald also did several other things. When asked by Church leaders whether support for the college be dropped, he answered an adamant no, putting an end to the last real question of the school's survival. He also began a significant building program which was continued by his successors. McDonald resigned in 1949 in order to work at a Los Angeles College fitting his administrative style better.

After a one-and-a-half year period in which Christen Jensen temporarily filled the position of President, Ernest L. Wilkinson was called by the Board of Trustees. Wilkinson's administration was a period of intense growth, as the school adopted an accelerated building program. Wilkinson was responsible for the building of over eighty structures on the campus, many of which still stand to this day.cite web| title =Ernest L. Wilkinson| work =Presidents| publisher =BYU.edu| date =2007| url =http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/wilkinson.aspx| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ] During his tenure, the student body increased six times, making BYU the largest private school of the time. The quality of the students also increased, leading to higher educational standards at the school. Finally, President Wilkinson reorganized the LDS church units on campus, with ten stakes and over 100 wards being added during his administration.

Dallin H. Oaks to Merrill J. Bateman

Dallin H. Oaks replaced Wilkinson as President in 1971. Oaks continued the expansion of his predecessor, adding a law school and proposing plans for a new School of Management. During his administration, a new library was also added, doubling the library space on campus. Oaks was called to the Church's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1984, [cite web| title =Dallin H. Oaks| work =Presidents| publisher =BYU.edu| date =2007| url =http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/oaks.aspx| accessdate = 2007-08-20] and was replaced by Jeffrey R. Holland as President. Holland encouraged a combination of educational excellence and religious faith at the university. He believed that one of the school's greatest strengths was its religious nature, and believed that should be taken advantage of, rather than hid. During his administration, the university added a campus in Jerusalem, now called the BYU Jerusalem Center. When the new campus faced local opposition, Holland personally visited protesters and promised, in writing, that nobody associated with the new campus would proselyte, leading to the Center's successful completion. In 1989, Holland was replaced by Rex E. Lee. [cite web| title =Jeffrey R. Holland| work =Presidents| publisher =BYU.edu| date =2007| url =http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/holland.aspx| accessdate = 2007-08-20] Lee was responsible for the Benson Science Building and the Museum of Art on campus. [cite web| title =Rex E. Lee| work =Presidents| publisher =BYU.edu| date =2007| url =http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/lee.aspx| accessdate = 2007-08-20] A cancer survivor, Lee is honored annually at BYU during a cancer fundraiser called the Rex Lee Run. [cite web| title =Rex Lee Run| url =http://rexleerun.byu.edu/honorinfo.php| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ]

Lee was replaced in 1996 by Merrill J. Bateman. [cite web| title =Merrill J. Bateman| work =Presidents| publisher =BYU.edu| date =2007| url =http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/bateman.aspx| accessdate = 2007-08-20] From 1996 to 1999, Bateman oversaw the expansion of the Harold B. Lee Library. He also strengthened the foundations of several buildings on campus in case of an earthquake. Later in his term, he began plans for the Joseph F. Smith Building, completed in 2004. All in all, Bateman was responsible for the building of 36 new buildings for the University both on and off campus, including the Barlow Center in Washington D. C.. This center was a place for students to stay, as well as and important BYU presence in the city. Athletics programs also saw development under Bateman. Under him, the woman's softball team came into being. He was also one of several key college leaders who brought about the creation of the Mountain West Conference, which BYU's athletics program joined. Previously, BYU had been in the Western Athletic Conference. Bateman was instrumental in a push to rename "Cougar Stadium", "LaVell Edwards Stadium" in 2000, in honor of BYU football coach LaVell Edwards. He also led a push among several universities to reverse an NCAA ruling that games could be scheduled on Sunday (an effort which was unsuccessful). Overall, sports programs flourished under Bateman's tenure. In the computing and technology area, Bateman directed a merging of BYU's computer systems with the LDS church's, as well as enlarging the resources available to computing majors. A BYU satellite TV network also opened in 2000, under his leadership. Bateman was also president during the September 11th attacks in 2001. The planes crashed on a Tuesday, mere hours before the weekly devotional normally held at BYU. Previous plans for the devotional were altered, as Bateman led the student body in a prayer for peace. [cite web| last =Carter| first =Jane| coauthors =Marla Sowards| title =President leaves mark on campus| publisher =BYU Newsnet| date =16 Apr 2003| url =http://newsnet.byu.edu/story.cfm/43904| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ]

Cecil O. Samuelson

Bateman was followed by Cecil O. Samuelson in 2003, who is the current president. [cite web| title =Cecil O. Samuelson| work =Presidents| publisher =BYU.edu| date =2007| url =http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/samuelson.aspx| accessdate = 2007-08-20]

In 2007 the The First Presidency invited George W. Bush to speak as the commencement speaker. When it became evident that he would be unable to attend, Dick Cheney accepted the invitation instead. [cite web| last =Walch| first =Tad | coauthors =Sara Israelsen| title =20,000 to hear Cheney at BYU: He'll get honorary doctorate| publisher =Deseret News| date= April 26, 2007| url =http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660215205,00.html| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ] The invitation generated controversy that was covered by all major news outlets. [cite web| title = Title Unknown| publisher = Salt Lake Tribune| url = http://www.sltrib.com/ci_5762663| accessdate = 2007-04-19 ] The University's Board of Trustees issued a statement explaining that the invitation to Vice President Cheney should be viewed "as one extended to someone holding the high office of vice president of the United States rather than to a partisan political figure." [cite web| title =BYU Invitation to Vice President Stirs Debate| publisher =LDS Newsroom| date= 29 March 2007| url=http://www.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=6b5cb10fd5f91110VgnVCM100000176f620aRCRD&vgnextchannel=9ae411154963d010VgnVCM1000004e94610aRCRD| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ] However, BYU permitted a protest to occur so long as it did not "attack [the] BYU administration, the Church or the First Presidency." [cite web| last =Buchanan| first =Adam | title =BYU to Allow Cheney Protest| publisher =BYU Newsnet| date= 29 Mar 2007| url =http://nn.byu.edu/story.cfm/63803| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ] On April 26, 2007, Dick Cheney delivered a largely apolitical speech and was greeted warmly by over 20,000. All three members of the first presidency were in attendance. [cite web| last =Walch| first =Tad | title =Warm welcome for Cheney| publisher =Desert News| date= April 27, 2007| url =http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660215620,00.html| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ] The leader of the protest was invited to appear on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart but did not do so because, "It wouldn't be a big deal if they were to make fun of our club, because it is funny, but it's something else if it's BYU or the church." [cite web| last =Walch| first =Tad| title =Protest leader walks fine line| publisher =Deseret News| date= April 24, 2007| url =http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660214543,00.html| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ] A group of students held an alternative commencement off campus at a different time featuring Ralph Nader and Jack Healey as speakers. [cite web| last =Greenstreet| first =Steven| title =BYU Cheney Protest: Today is the Day| publisher =Huffington Post| date= April 26, 2007| url =http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steven-greenstreet/byu-cheney-protest-today_b_46939.html| accessdate = 2007-08-20 ]

In two separate forum assemblies in October 2007, BYU also hosted US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (a Democrat) [cite web| last =Greenstreet| first =Steven| title =Reid gets warm reception at BYU| publisher =Deseret Morning News| date=October 10, 2007| url =http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,695217316,00.html| accessdate = 2007-12-27 ] and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts [cite web| last =Greenstreet| first =Steven| title =Supreme Court's Roberts to speak at BYU today| publisher =Deseret Morning News| date=October 23, 2007| url =http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,695221028,00.html| accessdate = 2007-12-27 ] as forum speakers. During his speech, Harry Reid presented his reasons for his political beliefs, his thoughts on the Iraq war, and his condemnation of those who opposed or supported Mitt Romney for his religious (as compared to his political) beliefs alone. Roberts spoke about the powers and limitations placed on the federal judiciary by the United States Constitution. [cite web| last = Reid| first = Sen. Harry| title = FAITH, FAMILY, AND PUBLIC SERVICE| publisher = BYU| date = October 9, 2007| url = http://news.byu.edu/reid.pdf| accessdate = 2008-01-11]


External links

* [http://www.lib.byu.edu/dlib/byuphotos/ BYU Photographs from 1875 to 1975]
* [http://plantwo.byu.edu/main/history/history01.pdf A Pictorial History of BYU]
* [http://www.ldslibrary.com LDS Library includes BYU Studies, 1959-2004]

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