Floss manuals

Floss manuals

Infobox NPO
organization_name = FLOSS Manuals
organization_motto =
organization_type = NGO and Non-profit Foundation
foundation = July 2006
location = Amsterdam, Netherlands
key_people = Adam Hyde
fields = Software Freedom
services =
num_members =
homepage = [http://www.flossmanuals.net http://www.flossmanuals.net]

The FLOSS Manuals (FM) is a non-profit foundation founded in 2006 and based in the Netherlands. The foundation is focused on the creation of quality documentation about how to use free software.

Its web site is a wiki (using the TWiki software) focused on the collaborative authoring of manuals. The documentation is licensed under the GPL. Although initially the manuals were covered by the GFDL, the license was changed due to concerns about the limited and non-free nature of the GFDL. [http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/Blog/LicenseChange]

Anyone can contribute to the material at FLOSS Manuals. Each manual has a maintainer – very much like the Debian maintainer system. The maintainer keeps an overview of the manual and discuss with those interested the structure etc. The maintainer is also responsible for gathering new contributors together. All edits are not 'live' – the edits are published to the manual when ready. This is to ensure the quality of the manuals is as high and as reliable as possible and that no new user encounters 'half finished' content.

Manuals are available as HTML online, or indexed PDF. Additionally manuals can be remixed so anyone can create their own manual and export to indexed PDF, HTML (zip/tar) or a 'ajax' include.

In fall 2007, Floss manuals was awarded a 15,000 Euro prize by the Dutch "Digital Pioneer" fund. [ [http://www.digitalpioneers.org/Home/NieuwsBericht1191046308 Mimoa, Floss Manuals and Beelden uit ons Verleden win Digital Pioneers Academy] ] It has also been financially supported by Google and NLnet. [http://en.flossmanuals.net/about (Accessed September 8, 2008)]


External links

*Adam Hyde: Free Manuals for free software. Talk at Wikimania 2007, Taipei. [http://wikimania2007.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proceedings:AH1 Abstract]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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