Content 2.0

Content 2.0

Content 2.0 is a technology that turns a static (content rich) web page on a web site into an interactive web page. This ability to interact with the web pages means that visitors to a Content 2.0 enabled web site can comment on the content that's on the Content 2.0 enabled web page/s, much the same as visitors/ viewers interact with the content on social networking and video sites.

Content 2.0 facilitates 2-way communication between the webmaster and their web site visitors.


One of the first technologies that qualifies as Content 2.0 is Java applets which allow users to add animation and other effects beyond HTML, including interactive animations and games. Java Applets were criticized as "too complicated and too slow." Flash was developed as an alternative to this and users account this as being "like developing a movie." Flash allows quick responsive animations and it has become the industry standard. An alternative to Flash, Silverlight is being developed by Microsoft in order to compete with Flash and to further Microsoft's .NET framework. The purpose of Silverlight according to the official website is: "to deliver the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web." [ [] ]


HTML5 is a new development in content in which may be referred to as Content 2.0 and in which has new Audio and Video tags which may serve to remove the dominance of plugins such as Flash in movies and other media. In addition HTMl5 supports the canvas element which integrates into JavaScript and provides methods to a built in canvas object which allow the user to create two dimensional animations similar in ability to Flash, allow there is no comparable IDE yet. Currently most web browsers support the Canvas Element, with exception to Internet Explorer. Google has helped to develop Explorer Canvas which effectively allows animations in the web browser. [ [] ]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • content — content, ente [ kɔ̃tɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • fin XIIIe; lat. contentus, de continere → contenir ♦ Satisfait. 1 ♦ Content de qqch. Vx Comblé, qui n a plus besoin d autre chose. « Qui vit content de rien possède toute chose » (Boileau). Subst. m. (fin XVe) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • content — content, ente (kon tan, tan t ) adj. 1°   Qui se contente de, qui s accommode de, se borne à. Content de peu. •   Le sage y vit en paix [sous l humble toit] et méprise le reste ; Content de ses douceurs, errant parmi les bois, Il regarde à ses… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • content — CONTENT, ENTE. adj. Celui, celle qui a l esprit satisfait. Un homme content. Il est content de sa condition, de sa fortune, de ses biens. Il est content de peu de choses. Elle est contente de tout. Il vit content. Il a le coeur content. Il ne… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • content — CONTENT, [cont]ente. adj. Qui est satisfait, qui a ce qu il desire. Un homme content. un esprit content. il est content de sa condition, de sa fortune, de ses biens. il est content de peu de chose. il vit content. il a le coeur content. il mene… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • content — Content, AEquus, Contentus. Estre content de ce qu on a, Continere se finibus rerum suarum. Estre content, Magnitudinem animi adhibere rei alicui. Estre content de perdre du sien, Concedere de iure suo. Je suis, ou J en suis content, Per me licet …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Content — or contents may refer to: Contentment, a state of being Content (algebra), the highest common factor of a polynomial s coefficients Content (measure theory), an additive real function defined on a field of sets Content (media), published… …   Wikipedia

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  • content — 1. Content is pronounced with stress on the second syllable as a verb (see 2), adjective, and noun (meaning ‘a contented state’: see 3), and on the first syllable as a noun (meaning ‘what is contained’: see 4). 2. Content oneself with (not by) is …   Modern English usage

  • content — Ⅰ. content [1] ► ADJECTIVE ▪ in a state of peaceful happiness or satisfaction. ► VERB 1) satisfy; please. 2) (content oneself with) accept (something) as adequate despite wanting something more or better. ► NOUN …   English terms dictionary

  • Content — Con*tent , n. 1. Rest or quietness of the mind in one s present condition; freedom from discontent; satisfaction; contentment; moderate happiness. [1913 Webster] Such is the fullness of my heart s content. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Acquiescence… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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