Cuisine minceur

Cuisine minceur

Cuisine minceur is a style of cooking created by French chef Michel Guérard, which recreated lighter versions of traditional Nouvelle cuisine dishes. Critics often acknowledged that the minceur versions by Gerard had a better taste and were very authentic, in addition to the advantage of not leaving you a heavier feeling when standing up from the table.[1]

In 1974 chef Guérard arrived in Eugénie-les-Bains and, with his wife Christine Barthelemy, began renovating a spa resort which Barthelemy had been running, and which was owned by Guérard's father-in-law. Guérard began thinking about how he could persuade Parisians to make the 800 kilometer trek to the spa, and his restaurant. The spas were for health benefits and his creation - cuisine minceur - became the logical avenue for his new form of low-calorie cooking.


  • Cuisine Gourmande By : Michel Guerard
  • Michel Guerard La Grande Cuisine minceur


  1. ^ Aldo Buzzi L'uovo alla kok

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