

Taxobox | color = pink
name = "Barbicambarus cornutus"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Crustacea
classis = Malacostraca
ordo = Decapoda
familia = Cambaridae
genus = "Barbicambarus"
genus_authority = Hobbs, 1969 cite web |url= |title="Barbicambarus" Hobbs, 1969 |work=Tree of Life Web Project |author=Keith A. Crandall, James W. Fetzner, Jr. & Horton H. Hobbs, Jr. |date=2001-01-01]
species = "B. cornutus"
binomial = "Barbicambarus cornutus"
binomial_authority = (Faxon, 1884)
synonyms = nowrap|"Cambarus cornutus" Faxon, 1884 cite web |url= |title="Baricambarus cornutus" (Faxon, 1884) |work=Crayfish Taxon Browser |author=James W. Fetzner, Jr. |date=2006-12-06 |publisher=Carnegie Museum of Natural History]

"Barbicambarus cornutus" is a species of crayfish found only in the Barren River and Green River systems of Tennessee and Kentucky . It is one of the largest crayfish in North America cite web |url= |title="Barbicambarus" |author=Roger Thoma | |accessdate=2007-08-20] , reaching lengths of up to 9 inches (23 cm) [Cite web |url= |title=Tennessee's treasure trove of crayfish |publisher=Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency |accessdate=2007-08-20] and its antennae are distinctive in being fringed [cite web |url= |title="Barbicambarus cornutus" - (Faxon, 1884) |work=NatureServe Explorer |accessdate=2007-08-20] . Although it was first described in 1884, it was not seen again until the 1960s . The species is sometimes called the "bottlebrush crayfish" .


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