

The realm known as Akudim is one of the many worlds described by Kabbalah as being part of the order of development that G-d utilized to create the physical world.Akudim is the first world to result from Adam Kadmon (primordal man). Sfirot (Heavenly Attributes, depicted as lights) emanating from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and forehead of Adam Kadmon interact with each other to create three contemporaneous "worlds" containing combinations of fundamental heavenly attributes which further interacted to produce more "worlds" of increasing developmental complexity. The concepts of primordal man and his body are figurative rather than literal. [http://www.inner.org/worlds/akudim.htm] [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4zzutRYRHAIC&pg=PA48&lpg=PA48&dq=Akudim&source=web&ots=LvFLuJNA8v&sig=BzIq-Ly2-IWAMjZVLFuHxtf-c1s&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=6&ct=result]

The source of the world of Akudim

The world of Akudim is formed of the vapor that emanates from the "mouth" of Adam Kadmon.

"Lights" and "Vessels" in the world of Akudim

In this world, all the ten Sfirot are bound within one vessel, hence then name "Akudim" (meaning "binding").

The lights, unable to "settle" well into the one vessel, enter into a "dynamic" referred to as mati v'lo mati, literally "reaching and not reaching." The lights descend from the "mouth" of Adam Kadmon to enter the vessel of Akudim and then "about-face" to (partially) ascend back to their source in the "mouth" of Adam Kadmon, and so, back and forth forever.

Expressions of Akudim in human beings

In a human being this is represented by a situation in which all of one's attributes, be they emotional or intellectual, have only one way to express themselves. One can compare this to an infant who possesses the sole medium of "crying" (or a single word) that he can utilize to express his myriad attributes.


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