Girolamo da Carpi

Girolamo da Carpi

Girolamo Da Carpi (1501 - 1556 [erroneously spelled "Giralomo" in 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.] ) was a painter and decorator in the Court of the Duke of Este in Ferrara (Italy). He began painting in Ferrara, by report apprenticing to Benvenuto Tisi (il Garofalo); but by age 20, he had moved to Bologna, and is considered a figure of Early Renaissance painting of the local Bolognese School.

He trained in the studio of a local painter who showed the influence of Lorenzo Costa and Raphael. In the 1520s Girolamo visited Rome and Bologna and was inspired by the Mannerist style of Giulio Romano. Geographically and stylistically he straddles the various influences.

He returned to Ferrara and collaborated with Dosso Dossi and Garofalo among others on commissions for the d’Este family. Girolamo became the architect to Pope Julius III in 1550 and supervised the remodeling of the Vatican's Belvedere. Returning to Ferrara, he was charged of the enlargements of the Castello Estense.

Da Carpi's paintings include a "Descent of the Holy Spirit", in the church of St Francis at Rovigo; a "Madonna", an "Adoration of the Magi", and a "St. Catharine" at Bologna; and the "St. George" and the "St. Jerome" at Ferrara.

elected works

*"Adoration of the Magi", (1531, San Martino, Bologna)
*"Marriage of Saint Catherine", (1532-4, San Salvatore, Bologna)
*"St. Longinus", (1531)
*"Pentecost", (San Francesco, Rovigo)
*"Opportunity", (1541, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden)
*"Patience", (1541, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden)


*cite book | first= Sydney J.| last= Freedberg| year=1993| title= Painting in Italy, 1500-1600| chapter= | editor= Pelican History of Art| others= | pages= Penguin Books Ltd| publisher= | id= | url= | authorlink=


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