- SNCB Class 25.5
Infobox Locomotive
name = Class 25.5
powertype = Electric
caption = NMBS/SNCB Class 25.5 loco 2558 at Antwerpen-Noorderdokken 8 March, 2007.
builder = BN/ACEC
serialnumber =
buildmodel =
builddate =1960 -1961 , rebuilt1973 -1974
totalproduction = 8
whytetype =
aarwheels =Bo-Bo
uicclass =
gauge = 1435 mm
leadingsize =
driversize = 1262 mm
trailingsize =
wheelbase =
length = 18 m
width =
height =
framesize =
weightondrivers = 10.5 t
weight = 85 t
locotenderweight =
fueltype =
consumption =
watercons =
electricsystem = 1500 V DC
3000 V DC
collectionmethod = Pantograph
primemover =
enginetype =
aspiration =
displacement =
boiler =
boilerpressure =
feedwaterheater =
firearea =
tubearea =
fluearea =
tubesandflues =
fireboxarea =
totalsurface =
superheatertype =
superheaterarea =
cylindercount =
cylindersize =
rearcylindersize =
hpcylindersize =
lpcylindersize =
valvegear =
transmission =
topspeed = 130 km/h
poweroutput = 1880 kW
tractiveeffort = 196 kN
factorofadhesion =
locobrakes =
trainbrakes =
railroad = SNCB/NMBS
railroadclass = 25.5
numinclass = 6
roadnumber = 2551, 2553, 2554, 2555, 2557, 2558
officialname =
nicknames =
locale =
deliverydate =1960 -1961
firstrundate =
lastrundate =
retiredate =
restoredate =
scrapdate =
currentowner =
disposition = In service|Class 25.5 locomotives
In 1973 a programme to modify 8 class 25 locos to work into the
Netherlands was undertaken. This included fitting of 1500 V electrical equipment and various safety modifications. These locos are now classified as class 25.5.They can be found working cross-border freight in the
Antwerp area.ee also
* [http://www.belrail.be/F/fiches/traction/index.php?type=hle25 HLE 25 at belrail.fr]
* [http://www.railfaneurope.net/pix/be/electric/25/pix.html Foto's op Railfaneurope.net]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.