List of Central and South American megafauna

List of Central and South American megafauna

Megafauna are large animals (for definitions, see the Megafauna page). Extant and recently extinct (in the Pleistocene) megafauna of Central and South America are listed here.
*Amazonian Manatee ("Trichechus inunguis")
*Amazonian saber-tooth cat † ("Smilodon populator")
*Argentinan Condor † ("Argentavis magnificens")
*Andean Condor ("Vultur gryphus")
*American Mastodon † ("Mammut americanum")
*Baird's Tapir ("Tapirus bairdii")
*Black Caiman ("Melanosuchus niger")
*Blue Whale ("Balaeonptera musculus")
*Boa Constrictor ("Boa constrictor")
*Boto ("Inia geoffrensis")
*Brazilian Tapir ("Tapirus terrestris")
*Bryde's Whale ("Balaenoptera brydei")
*Bushmaster ("Lachesis muta")
*Capybara ("Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris")
*Caribbean Manatee ("Trichechus manatus")
*Chacoan peccary ("Catagonus wagneri")
*Chilean Ground Sloth † ("Mylodon")
*Collared Peccary ("Pecari tajacu")
*Cougar ("Puma concolor")
*Cuvieronius † ("Cuvieronius hyodon")
*Dire Wolf † ("Canis dirus")
*Doedicurus † ("Doedicurus clavicaudatus")
*Giant Armadillo ("Priodontes maximus")
*Giant Anteater ("Myrmecophaga tridactyla")
*Giant Ground Sloth † ("Megatherium americanum")
*Giant Forest Peccary ("Pecari maximus")
*Great Egret ("Ardea alba")
*Green Anaconda ("Eunectes murinus")
*Guanaco ("Lama guanicoe")
*Hippidion † (an extinct horse)
*Humans ("Homo sapiens")
*Humpback Whale ("Megaptera novaengliae")
*Jabiru ("Jabiru mycteria")
*Jaguar ("Panthera onca")
*Josephoartigasia monesi † ("Josephoartigasia monesi")
*Killer Whale ("Orcinus orca")
*Llama ("Lama glama")
*Macrauchenia † ("Macrauchenia patachonica")
*Maned Wolf ("Chrysocyon brachyurus")
*Marsupial saber-tooth † ("Thylacosmilus artox")
*Maguari Stork ("Ciconia maguari")
*Minke Whale ("Balaeonptera acutorostrata")
*Mixotoxodon † ("Mixotoxodon larensis")
*Mountain Tapir ("Tapirus pinchaque")
*Orinoco Crocodile ("Crocodylus intermedius")
*Palaeolama mirifica † (an extinct Llama)
*Pampas Deer ("Ozotoceros bezoarticus")
*Phoberomys pattersoni † ("Phoberomys pattersoni")
*Pirarucu ("Arapaima gigas")
*Rhea ("Rhea americana")
*Right Whale ("Balaenoptera glacialis")
*Saber-toothed cat † (genus "Smilodon")
*Spectacled Bear ("Tremarctos ornatus")
*Sperm Whale ("Physeter marcocephalus")
*Southern Glyptodon † ("Glyptodon asper")
*Tapirus veroensis † (an extinct Tapir)
*Terror birds † (genus "Phorusrhacidae")
*Toxodon † ("Toxodon platensis")
*Vicuna ("Vicugna vicugna")
*Yellow Anaconda ("Eunectes notaeus")
*White-lipped Peccary ("Tayassu pecari")

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