Horae Canonicae

Horae Canonicae

"Horae Canonicae" is a series of poems by W. H. Auden written between 1949 and 1955. The title is a reference to the canonical hours of the Christian Church, as are the titles of the seven poems constituting the series: "Prime", "Terce", "Sext", "Nones", "Vespers", "Compline", and "Lauds". Each refers to a fixed time of the day for prayer.

The canonical hours create a framework for the dramatization of Auden's religious position, which he described in a letter as "very much the same as [Reinhold Neibuhr|Reinhold [Neibuhr] 's] , i.e. Augustinian, not Thomist (I wouldallow a little more place, perhaps, for the "Via Negativa".) Liturgically, I am
Anglo-Catholic…". [cite journal|author=Curtis, Jan|title=W. H. AUDEN'S THEOLOGY OF HISTORY IN "HORAE CANONICAE": ‘PRIME’, ‘TERCE’, AND ‘SEXT’|journal=Literature and Theology|year=1997|volume=11|issue=1|pages=46–66|doi=10.1093/litthe/11.1.46]

"Prime" and "Nones" were first published in Auden's collection "Nones" (1951). "Horae Canonicae" was published as a unity in Auden's "The Shield of Achilles" (1955).


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