Edmonton Bulletin

Edmonton Bulletin

The Edmonton Bulletin was a newspaper in Edmonton, Alberta published from 1880 until January 20, 1951. It was founded by Frank Oliver, a politician and future minister in the Canadian Government.

Oliver co-founded the paper with Alex Taylor, the city's first telegraph operator, in 1880. It was Edmonton's undisputed foremost newspaper until the Edmonton Journal was founded in 1903. The Journal took an editorial stance friendly to the Conservative Party, in contrast to the Bulletin which was the Liberal Oliver's mouthpiece.

The Bulletin folded January 20, 1951.


* [http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/info/history.html History of the Edmonton Journal]
* [http://www.rewedmonton.ca/content_view2?CONTENT_ID=990 Real Estate Weekly biography of Frank Oliver]

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