- Traci Des Jardins
Traci Des Jardins is an American
chef andrestaurateur who co-owns three restaurants inSan Francisco, California : Jardinière, a French fine-dining restaurant in theHayes Valley neighborhood, Acme Chophouse, asteakhouse servinggrass-fed beef nearSBC Park , and Mijita, an organictaquería located in theFerry Building .cite news |first=Kim |last=Severson | title= THE CHEF: TRACI DES JARDINS; A Comforting Breakfast Starts With Salsa|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9401E1D8133BF931A15755C0A9639C8B63|work=New York Times |publisher= |date=2005-06-22 |accessdate=2007-09-18 ]Biography
Des Jardins was raised on a farm in
Firebaugh, California nearFresno . Her father is ofCajun descent, and her mother's family from theMexican state ofSonora . Her maternal grandparents, Angela and Miguel Salazar, lived in a small house nearby, and Des Jardins has many strong childhood memories of her grandmother preparingflour tortillas .cite news |first=Kim |last=Severson | title= THE CHEF: TRACI DES JARDINS; Tortillas Let a Cook Come Home Again|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A05E2D61239F936A15756C0A9639C8B63 |work=New York Times |publisher= |date=2005-05-25 |accessdate=2007-09-18 ]Des Jardins apprenticed at several three-star French restaurants, including
La Maison Troisgros , and was executive chef at Joachim Splichal's Patina in Los Angeles. Later, she worked at notable San Francisco restaurants Aqua, Elka, and Rubicon before opening Jardinière in 1997.cite news |first=Kim |last=Severson | title=THE CHEF: Traci Des Jardins; Listening for the Wisdom of the Carrot|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9904E4DD1338F93BA35755C0A9639C8B63 |work=New York Times |publisher= |date=2005-06-08 |accessdate=2007-09-18 ]Philosophy
Des Jardins uses locally sourced, organic, seasonal ingredients whenever possible, and prefers sourcing from smaller, sustainable farming and ranching operations.cite news |first=Kim |last=Severson | title= THE CHEF: TRACI DES JARDINS; A Steak Brought Up Well, Please|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B04E0DD1131F935A35754C0A9639C8B63 |work=
New York Times |publisher= |date=2005-07-06 |accessdate=2007-09-18 ]Awards
In 2007, Des Jardins won the
James Beard Foundation Award for best chef in the Pacific region.Television Appearances
Des Jardins appeared on an episode of
Iron Chef America in 2005, in which she defeatedMario Batali . [cite news |first=Jane |last=Ganahl | title=S.F. crowd cheers on chef Traci Des Jardins as 'Iron Chef' airs on big screen at Jardiniere |url=http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/08/12/DDGQBE5OS610.DTL |work=San Francisco Chronicle |publisher= |date=August 12 ,2005 |accessdate=2007-08-18 ] Later, she competed in "The Next Iron Chef ". [cite news |first=Carolyn |last=Jung |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=More Morsels: Will S.F. produce the `Next Iron Chef'? |url=http://www.mercurynews.com/restaurants/ci_6457856 |work=San Jose Mercury News |publisher= |date=2007-07-25 |accessdate=2007-08-18 ] , but was eliminated in the first episode.2008 Farm to Feast Event
Des Jardins will be the featured chef at the May 10, 2008 Summerfield Waldorf Farm to Feast event. Jardin's participation is the central draw in the planned "true toast to sustainability, using only the finest, freshest local (Sonoma County) ingredients." Limited to 150 guests, the event takes place at Medlock Ames winery in Sonoma County, California.
External links
* [http://www.tracidesjardins.com Official site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.