- Jenő Hégner
Jenő Hégner-Tóth (born
April 17 ,1894 - diedJune 10 ,1915 in Hommona) was a Hungarianwater polo player who competed in the1912 Summer Olympics .He was part of the Hungarian team in the 1912 tournament.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Jenő Hégner-Tóth (born
He was part of the Hungarian team in the 1912 tournament.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Monika Mann — (* 7. Juni 1910 in München; † 17. März 1992 in Leverkusen) war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke (Auswahl) 3 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
Monika Mann — Katia Mann con sus seis hijos Monika Mann (* 7 de junio de 1910, Múnich, Alemania– † 17 de marzo de 1992, Leverkusen, Alemania) fue una escritora alemana. Biografía Hija del escritor Thomas Mann y Katia … Wikipedia Español
List of classical pianists — This is an alphabetized list of notable pianists who play or played classical music. For a list of recorded classical pianists see List of classical pianists (recorded). If you add a name to the list below and know that the pianist recorded,… … Wikipedia