SISPRE is the designation of two models of Italian solid fuel sounding rockets.Russo, Arturo. "The space age and the origin of space research". In "The Century of Space Science", Ed. Johan A. M Bleeker, Johannes Geiss, and Martin C. E. Huber, Vol. 1, 2001, p. 52. ISBN 0792371968]

Developed by SISPRE (Societa Italiana per lo Studio della Propulsione a Reazione), the C-41 weighed 75 kilograms and was launched six times in the summer 1960 from Salto di Quirra.

A later version, the 160-70, weighed 45 kilograms, was 2.44 meters long, and had a ceiling of 70 km. The 160-70 was launched five times between 1961 and 1963.

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