Hart InterCivic

Hart InterCivic

Hart InterCivic Inc. is a privately held United States company that provides elections, geospatial system integration, and print solutions to jurisdictions nationwide. While headquartered in Austin, Texas, Hart products are used by over 300 jurisdictions nationwide.

Hart entered the elections industry in 1912, printing ballots for Texas counties. The company, formerly a division of Hart Graphics, Inc., was established as a subsidiary called Hart Forms & Services in 1989. In 1995, to better communicate its full scope of document management services, Hart Forms & Services changed its name to Hart Information Services, Inc. During the next five years, Hart Information Services rapidly expanded its market presence through the acquisition of three major election services providers: Texas County Printing & Services, Computer Link Corporation, and Worldwide Election Systems. Worldwide was the developer of the eSlate, Hart's highly acclaimed direct recording electronic (DRE) voting solution. The eSlate was specifically designed to accommodate the needs of voter with disabilities. It is not a touch-screen solution, but uses a Select Wheel and digital push-button interface.

The need for document management and election services continued to grow, and in 1999, the company spun off completely from Hart Graphics. In 2000, the company became Hart InterCivic Inc., reflecting its corporate mission to service the interactive relationship of Hart InterCivic, state and local governments, and the citizens they serve.

In 2007 Hart InterCivic acquired Farragut Systems, entering the Geographic Information System product and services business.

Election equipment


On August 3, 2007, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen withdrew approval and then granted conditional reapproval of Hart InterCivic optical scan and DRE voting machines after a "top-to-bottom review" of California voting machines [cite web
title = Withdrawal of Approval of Hart InterCivic System 6.2.1 DRE & Optical Scan Voting System and Conditional Re-approval of Use of Hart InterCivic System 6.2.1 DRE & Optical Scan Voting System
publisher = California Secretary of State
date = 2007-08-03
url = http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting_systems/ttbr/hart.pdf
accessdate = 2007-08-16
] .


A report commissioned by Ohio’s top elections official on December 15 2007 has found that all five voting systems used in Ohio (including one made by Hart InterCivic) have critical flaws that could undermine the integrity of the 2008 general election. [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/15/us/15ohio.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Ohio Elections Official Calls Machines Flawed] ]

Geographic Information System Integration

A recently released study performed by Price Waterhouse Coopers for the American Institute of Architects concluded that more responsive land development policies could over a five year period result in a 16.5% increase in property tax revenue and a 5.7% increase in construction spending. [cite web
title = Land Development Process Improvement
url = http://www.godowntownraleigh.com/pdfs/Land-Development-Process-Report.pdf

Hamilton County, Tennessee undertook to develop a fully electronic mechanism for the acceptance, review, and comment on proposed subdivision plats as part of a comprehensive work process revision on address assignment, plat recording, and property map updates. Plats are submitted as e-mail attachments to the Hamilton County GIS unit for all 11 units of localgovernment in the county, reviewed for content requirements by GIS Department staff, forwarded to the Regional Planning Agency for review, then returned with comments to the filer. All plats are placed in a secure Web site and may be viewed or downloaded by reviewing agencies. The design and use of the subdivision option on this Web site, which was developed by Hart InterCivic, Inc./Farragut Systems, Inc. followed a design specification written by Hamilton County, which is the owner of the implementing code.. [cite web
title = Subdivision Review over the Internet
url = http://training.esri.com/campus/library/ConfProc/urisa/2001/2001a-13.pdf

ee also

*Electronic voting
*Voting machine
*Election Assistance Commission
*National Institute of Standards and Technology
*Voluntary Voting System Guidelines
*Certification of voting machines
*Geographic Information System


External links

* [http://www.hartic.com/ Hart InterCivic company website]
* [http://www.electiontech.org/ Election Technology Council website]
* [http://gis.esri.com/partners/partners-user/index.cfm?fuseaction=overview&BP_ID=928&CFID=1770236&CFTOKEN=64041207 ESRI Partners]

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