- Ball Stores
company_name = Ball Stores
company_type =Department store
foundation = 1934
location =Muncie, Indiana
industry =Retail
products = Men's, Women's and Children's clothing, footwear, jewelry, beauty products, bedding, housewares and home furnishings.
homepage = NoneBall Stores was a Muncie, Indiana based department store chain founded in November 1934. The original downtown store was located in the former W.A. McNaughton Company Building (predecessor of Ball Stores) at the corner of Charles and Walnut Street. The store operated as an independent department store specializing in high quality merchandise.
In 1968, Ball Stores acquired Collegienne Shops a retail outlet on University Avenue near Ball State University. In 1978 Ball Stores opened an outlet in Muncie Mall. By the 1980s, the company started to experience financial difficulties. In 1986, the downtown store closed, in 1988 the Collegiene was closed and in 1990, the Muncie Mall store was closed.
* Magic Middeltown, by Dwight W. Hoover, copyright 1986.
* Ball State University Archives and Special Collections, Ball Stores Record, 1984-90
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