- Anthomedusae
name = Athecate hydroids
image_width = 200px
image_caption = Lower left, top right: Aspects of "Tiara pileata " (Filifera :Clavidae ) Lower right: Aspect of "Stomotoca pterophylla " (Filifera:Pandeidae ). From "Kunstformen der Natur " byErnst Haeckel (1904)
regnum =Animal ia
subregnum =Eumetazoa
phylum =Cnidaria
subphylum =Medusozoa
classis =Hydrozoa
subclassis =Leptolinae
ordo = Anthomedusae
ordo_authority = Haeckel, 1879
subdivision_ranks =Suborders
subdivision =
synonyms =
* Anthomedusa Haeckel, 1879
* Anthoathecata Cornelius, 1992
* Anthoathecatae Cornelius, 1992 (emendation)
* Athecata Hincks, 1868
* Athecatae Hincks, 1868 (emendation)
* Gymnoblastea Allman, 1871
* Hydromedusa
* Hydromedusae
* Stylasterina Hickson and England, 1905
* Stylasterinae Hickson and England, 1905 (emendation)Anthomedusae or Anthomedusa, the athecate hydroids, are an order of the
Hydrozoa , a class of marineinvertebrate s belonging to the phylumCnidaria . A profusion of alternatescientific name s exists for this long-known, heavily discussed and spectactular group - it has also been called Gymnoblastea, or, with or without an emended ending "-ae", Anthoathecata, Athecata, Hydromedusa or Stylasterina. There are about 1,200species worldwide.Schuchert (2008)]These hydrozoans always have a
polyp stage. Theirhydranth s grow either solitary or in colonies. There is no firmperisarc around the polyp body. The medusae are solitary animals, with tentacles arising from the bell margin, lackingstatocyst s but possessingradial canal s. Theirgonad s are on the manubrium ("handle").Except in
Eudendriidae andLaingiidae , thecnidome hasdesmoneme s.ystematics [Schuchert (2008), MarineSpecies.org (2008)]
Their close relationship to the
Leptomedusae has been long known. But it was believed that these two were also close to theLimnomedusae . Actually, their closest relative are the highly advancedSiphonophorae , whereas the Limnomedusae are simply a rather primitive group that is not very closely related to these threeLeptolinae but might actually belong to theTrachylinae subclass . The familyClathrozoellidae is placed with theFilifera in some treatments; in others it is placed in the Leptomedusae and sometimes even synonymized with their familyClathrozoidae . The supposed athecate familyMonobrachiidae apparently belongs in theOlindiasidae of the Limnomedusae.The
Porpitidae are highly aberrant group, and were at one time considered an own order "Chondrophora". But actually they are derived fromZancleida .Halammohydridae andOtohydridae , sometimes placed here, actually appear to be trachyline hydrozoans of the orderActinulidae . Similarly, theLaingiidae , also long considered a distinct orderLaingiomedusae , might belong in thePandeida .Infraorders and families
"Basal and "
incertae sedis " Anthomedusae
* Genus "Gammaria "
* Genus "Saccohydra "
* FamilyCodonidae
* FamilyHalimedusidae - Capitata: Moerisiida?
* FamilyHalocordylidae
* FamilyLaingiidae - Filifera: Pandeida? Tentatively placed here.
* FamilyMyriothelidae - includes Candelabriidae; Capitata: Tubulariida?
* FamilyRhysiidae - Filifera: Margelina?
* FamilyRusselliidae - Filifera: Pandeida?
* FamilyStylasteridae - Filifera: Margelina?Suborder CapitataBasal or "
incertae sedis "
* Genus "Blasthothela "
* Genus "Ctenaria " - Zancleida: Zancleidae?
* Genus "Microcampana "
* Genus "Oonautes " - Zancleida: Zancleidae?
* Genus "Paulinum "
* Genus "Pteronema "
* Genus "Tetraralphia "InfraorderMoerisiida
** FamilyBoeromedusidae
** FamilyHydridae
** FamilyMoerisiidae
** FamilyPolyorchidae
** FamilyProtohydridae InfraorderSphaerocorynida
** FamilyHydrocorynidae
** FamilySphaerocorynidae
** FamilyZancleopsidae InfraorderTubulariida
** FamilyAcaulidae
** FamilyBoreohydridae
** FamilyCladonematidae
** FamilyCorymorphidae - includes Paragotoeidae
** FamilyCorynidae - includes Dicyclocorynidae
** FamilyEleutheriidae
** FamilyEuphysidae
** FamilyMargelopsidae
** FamilyParacorynidae
** FamilyPennariidae
** FamilySolanderiidae
** FamilyTricyclusidae
** FamilyTubulariidae InfraorderZancleida
** FamilyAsyncorynidae
** FamilyCladocorynidae
** FamilyHalocorynidae
** FamilyMilleporidae
** FamilyPorpitidae - includes Velellidae
** FamilyPseudosolanderiidae
** FamilyRosalindidae
** FamilyTeissieridae
** FamilyZancleidae SuborderFilifera Basal or "
incertae sedis "
* Genus "Brinckmannia "
* Genus "Kinetocodium " - Margelina: Hydractiniidae?
* Genus "Millardiana " - Margelina: Bougainvilliidae?
* FamilyBythotiaridae - includes Calycopsidae; Pandeida?
* FamilyHydrichthyidae
* FamilyOceaniidae - includes Clavidae; Margelina?
* FamilyTubiclavoididae - Pandeida?InfraorderMargelina
* FamilyAustralomedusidae
* FamilyBalellidae
* FamilyBougainvilliidae - includes Clavopsellidae
* FamilyCytaeididae
* FamilyEucodoniidae
* FamilyHydractiniidae
* FamilyPtilocodiidae
* FamilyRathkeidae
* FamilyTrichydridae InfraorderPandeida
* FamilyEudendriidae - includes Urashimeidae
* FamilyNiobiidae
* FamilyPandeidae
* FamilyProboscidactylidae
* FamilyProtiaridae Footnotes
* (2008): [http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=13551 Anthomedusae] . Retrieved 2008-JUL-08.
* (2008): [http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/hydrozoa/hydrozoa-directory.htm The Hydrozoa Directory] - [http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/hydrozoa/antho/anthomedusae.htm Order Anthomedusae Haeckel, 1879] . Retrieved 2008-JUL-08.References
* [http://www.tmbl.gu.se/libdb/taxon/neat_pdf/NEAT*Coelenterata.pdf North East Atlantic Taxa]
* [http://siba2.unile.it/ese/issues/3/41/thal24-02.pdf Family, genus and species list]
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