Hellenic Gaming League (HGL)

Hellenic Gaming League (HGL)

Hellenic Gaming League [http://www.hgl.gr/(HGL)]

Founded in January 2007, Hellenic Gaming League [http://www.hgl.gr/(H.G.L.)] is the official Greek gaming league, based in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Hellenic Gaming League aims to serve and promote on-line gaming in Greece, from amateur to professional levels. HGLs' [http://www.hgl.gr/HGLs'] raison d’ être is to offer Greek gamers the opportunity to participate in gaming tournaments, regardless of the place they live. Up to August 2007, with the support of noobwars.gr [http://www.noobwars.gr] , the on-line gaming community, and Gnet [http://www.gnet.gr] , the internet cafes network, HGL has organised 8 national tournaments in the most popular games.

With HGLs’ [http://www.hgl.gr/] competitive gaming system, everyone has the chance participate. In its starting phase HGL is separated into two categories:• G - League (for pro gamers)• A - Division (for amateurs or middle level gamers)

In A-division everyone can participate, while only the best 16 teams are competing in G-league. Each year 4 teams from G-league are relegated to A-division while other 4 teams from A-division gain a place in G-league. In addition HGL organizes local and national CUPs.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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