Grimoaldo of the Purification

Grimoaldo of the Purification

Infobox Saint
name=Blessed Grimoaldo of the Purification
birth_date=May 4, 1883
death_date=November 18, 1902
feast_day=November 18
venerated_in=Roman Catholic Church
birth_place=Pontecorvo, Italy
death_place=Ceccano, Italy
beatified_date=January 29, 1995, Rome, Italy by Pope John Paul II
major shrine=Ceccano, Italy
attributes=Passionist Habit and Sign

Blessed Grimoaldo of the Purification, born Ferdinando Santamaria, a religious and clerical student of the Passionist Congregation, born on May 4, 1883 in Pontecorvo, Frosinone, Italy; died November 18, 1902 at Ceccano, Italy. Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995.


Born to Peter Paul and Cecilia Santamaria on May 4 1883 and baptised Ferdinando the following day, his parents ran a small rope-making business. They were a devoutly Christian couple and in an extra-ordinary occasion Grimoaldo received the sacrament of Confirmation at the unusually young age of five months. [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 5. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995] An altar server from a young age, Ferdinando was also a member of the church choir and the Solidality of the Immaculate Conception. A neighbour testified that on one occasion he saw Ferdinando lifted from the floor whilst in prayer. [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 9. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995] In 1850 members of the Passionist Congregation took possession of a monastery in the locality and Ferdinando soon became familiar with them, copying their lives of penance. His father encouraged him to continue working in the family business, but Ferdinando had become convinced that he wanted to join the Passionists. He was not yet 16 and his age prevented him from entering the monastery, whilst waiting until he was the required age Ferdinando took up lessons in Latin. He entered the novitiate of the Passionists on March 5 1899 at the monastery of St. Mary of Pugliano taking the religious name Grimoaldo of the Purification. [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 17. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995]

The Rule of the Passionists was severe and designed to test the novices with penances such as sleeping on straw, poverty in clothing and the wearing of a rough black tunic. Grimoaldo was especially keen to model his life on Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, a Passionist student. He made his vows as a Passionist religious on March 6 1900. [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 21. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995] Grimoaldo began his studies for the priesthood at Ceccano where he found difficulty in adopting a scholastic discipline; a difficulty soon overcome. Amongst the Passionists he was known for his great holiness and charity. [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 24. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995] In November 1902 he was diagnosed with acute meningitis and after many trials and temptations he died on November 18 1902. On his deathbed he prophesised the date of his own death and that of a Cardinal;

His Divine Majesty is here, he has come for me today, and I, together with him, must go to Rome for Cardinal Aloisi-Masella. I must be his companion in death.” [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 26. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995]
The Cardinal died four days later. [ [ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church: ALOISI MASELLA, Gaetano (1826-1902)] ]


After his death Grimoaldo was reported to have appeared to both his mother and father, and later to numerous relatives, friends and acquaintances. Immigration of his family and friends saw interest in the young student grow abroad, particularly in Rochester, NY. A biography was published and information on his life collection. In 1957 his cause for beatification was opened. His body was buried in the monastery chapel in October 1972. In 1991 he was declaredVenerable’. [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 36. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995] The miracle required for his beatification was that of a four-year old involved in an accident with a tractor. The boys father prayed to Grimoaldo for aid and upon inspection by doctors it was concluded that there was no explanation why the boy could have escaped such an accident without mortal injury. [Mirra C.P., P.:A Curved Bridge to Calvary: The Life of Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria, Passionist Student”, page 32. Passionist Fathers, Jamacia, NY, 1995] Grimoaldo was solemnly beatified by Pope John Paul II on January 29th, 1995. At the beatification the Holy Father described Blessed Grimoaldo as;

Young people today and in the future can see in him a model of simple and generous spirituality, firmly rooted in Christ's paschal mystery.” [ [ Homily of Pope John Paul II on Sunday, January 29 at the solemn Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at which he beatified Rafael Guizar Valencia, Modestino of Jesus and Mary, Genoveva Torres Morales and Grimoaldo of the Purification.] ]

External links

* [ Homily of Pope John Paul II at the beatification of Blessed Grimoaldo]
* [ A Report on the Painting of an Icon of Blessed Grimoaldo]
* [ Saints Alive: Bl. Grimoaldo]


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