List of Gazprom's subsidiaries

List of Gazprom's subsidiaries

Russian energy company Gazprom has several hundred subsidiaries owned and controlled directly or indirectly. The subsidiaries are listed by countries. The list is incomplete.


100% ownership

* Astrakhangazprom
* Bashtransgaz
* Burgaz
* Ecological and Analytical Center for the Gas Industry
* Gazpromexport
* Gazflot
* Gazkomplektimpex
* Gaznadzor
* Gazobezopasnost
* Gazoenergeticheskaya Kompaniya
* Gazpromavia
* Gazpromenergo
* Gazprominvestarena
* Gazprominvestholding
* Gazpromokhrana
* Gazpromrazvitiye
* Gazpromstroyengineering
* Gazsvyaz
* Informgaz
* Informgazinvest
* Irkutskgazprom
* IRTs Gazprom
* Kaspiygazprom
* Kavkaztransgaz
* Kubangazprom
* Lentransgaz
* Mostransgaz
* Mezhregiongaz
* Nadymgazprom
* Nadymstroygazdobycha
* NIIgazekonomika
* Novy Urengoy Gas Chemicals Company
* Noyabrskgazdobycha
* Science & Production Center Podzemgidromineral
* Orenburggazprom
* Permtransgaz
* Podzemgazprom
* Samaratransgaz
* Severgazprom
* Severneftegazprom – holder of the licenses to develop the Yuzhno-Russkoye field
* Sevmorneftegaz - holder of the licenses to develop the Shtokman and Prirazlomnoe fields.
* Surgutgazprom
* Szhizhenny gaz
* Tattransgaz
* Temryukmortrans
* Tomsktransgaz
* TyumenNIIgiprogaz
* Tyumentransgaz
* Uraltransgaz
* Urengoygazprom
* Volgogradtransgaz
* Volgotransgaz
* Yamalgazinvest
* Yamburggazdobycha
* Yugtransgaz

Ownership over 50%

* Dialoggazservice
* Ditangaz
* Electrogaz
* Fora Gazprom
* Future Fatherland Fund
* Gazenergoservice
* Gazcom
* Gazmash
* Gazprombank
* Gazpromgeofizika
* Gazprom Neft
* GazpromPurInvest
* Gazpromtrubinvest
* Gazprom YRGM Trading (100% - 1 share owned by BASF) - gas trader for purchasing gas from Sevmorneftegazcite news | url = | title = Gazprom and BASF Form Gas Trading Unit | publisher = Downstream Today |date = 2007-11-27 | accessdate = 2007-11-28]
* Gaztelekom
* Giprogaztsentr
* Giprospetsgaz
* Krasnoyarskgazprom
* Orgenergogaz
* Promgaz
* SevKavNIPIgaz
* Sibur
* Tsentrenergogaz
* Tsentrgaz
* VNIPIgazdobycha
* Volgogaz
* Volgogradneftemash
* Vostokgazprom
* Zapsibgazprom
* Zarubezhneftegaz

Ownership 50% or less

* Achimgaz (50%) - joint venture with BASF
* Caspian Oil Company
* GazAgroFriport
* Gaztransit
* Gaz-Truby
* Horizon Investment Company
* Mosenergo (49.9%)
* Novatek (19.9%)
* Prometey-Sochi
* Rosneftegazstroy
* Rosshelf
* SOGAZ Ltd. Insurance Group (100% before 2004)
* Stroytransgaz
* TsentrKaspneftegaz (50%) - joint venture with Lukoil to develop Tsentralnaya field in the Caspian Sea (jointly with KazMunayGas)
* Tyumen Hotel
* Vega Investment Company
* VIP-Premier
* Vologdapromresurs
* YuzhNIIGiprogaz
* Zavod TBD


* Armrosgazprom (58%)


* ARosgas Holding AG (100%) - Gas marketingcite journal | publisher= Research Centre for East European Studies| title = Gazprom’s Expansion Strategy in Europe and the Liberalization of EU Energy Markets | url= | format=PDF | author=Andreas Heinrich, Koszalin | journal= Russian Analytical Digest | issue=34 | date = 2008-02-05 | accessdate=2008-02-23]
* Centrex Europe Energy & Gas AG (100%) - owned through Gazprombankcite web | publisher= Gazprom | url= | title = Gazprom and Austrian companies extend contracts for Russian natural gas supply to Austria till 2027 | date = 2006-09-29 | accessdate=2008-02-23]
* GHW (50%)- a joint venture with OMV for gas trading
* Sibneft Oil Trade GmbH (100%) - an oil trading company owned through Gazprom Neft
* ZGG-Zarubezhgazneftechim Trading GmbH (100%) - a gas trading company
* ZMB Gasspeicher Holding GmbH (66.67%) - 33.3% owned by Centrex Europe Energy & Gas AGcite web | publisher= ZMB GmbH | url= | title = ZMB Gasspeicherholding GmbH | accessdate=2008-02-23]


* Belgazprombank (50%)
* Beltransgaz (25%, will increase to 50% by 2009)


* Topenergo (100%) - gas trading and transport
* Overgas Inc. AD (50%) - a joint-venture with Overgas Holding AD for the gas trading

Cayman Islands

* ZGG Cayman Holding Ltd. (100%) - investment company
* ZGG Cayman Ltd (100%) - investment company


* Ecofran Marketing Consulting & Communication Services Company Limited
* GASEXCO Gas Exploration Company Ltd.
* Greatham Overseas Limited
* Private Company Limited by Shares GPBI (Cyprus) Ltd.
* Leadville Investments Ltd (100%) - investment company
* MF Media Finance (Overseas) Limited
* Odex Exploration Ltd. (20%) - 0il exploration
* NTV World Ltd. - media company
* Siritia Ventures Ltd. - investment company

Czech Republic

* Gas-Invest S.A. (37.5%)
* Vemex s.r.o. (33%)


* Eesti Gaas AS (37.02%)


* Gasum Oy (25%)


* Frangaz (50%) - a joint venture with Gaz de France


* Agrogaz GmbH (100%)
* Centrex Beteiligungs GmbH (38%) - gas trading and investment company
* Ditgaz (49%)
* Verbundnetz Gas (5.3%) - gas transportation and marketing
* Gazprom Germania GmbH (100%)
* Wingas GmbH (50%) – a joint venture with Wintershall, the subsidiary of BASF, for a gas transportation and storage
* Wintershall Erdgas Handelshaus GmbH & Co. KG (50%) - a joint venture with Wintershall for gas trading
* ZMB GmbH (100%) - gas trading
* ZMB Mobil (100%)- gas-fuelled automobile technology
* НТВ Europa GmbH


* Bleakend Holdings Limited


* Prometheus Gas (50%) - a joint company with Copelouzos Group


* Panrusgas Rt (40%) - a joint venture with MOL for trading and transport
* Borsodchem (25%) - petrochemicals
* TVK (13.5%)
* DKG-EAST Co (38.1%) - oil and gas equipment manufacturing
* Gazkomplekt KFT
* NTV Hungary Commercial Limited Liability Company


*GPB Finance Plc. - investment company


* N.T.V. Global Network (Israel) Ltd.


* Volta SpA (49%) - a joint venture with Edison S.p.A.
* Promgas (50%) - a joint venture with ENI


* KazRosGaz (50%) - a joint venture with KazMunayGas


* Munai Myrza


* Latvijas Gāze (34%)


* IDF Anlagegesellschaft - investment company (holding via Siritia Ventures Ltd., Cyprus)


* Lietuvos Dujos (37.1%)
* Kaunas CHP (100%)
* Stella Vitae (30%)


* Moldovagaz


* Brochan B.V.
* BSPS B.V. (50%) - operator of the Blue Stream pipeline
* Gazinvest Finance B.V.
* Gazprom Finance B.V.
* Gazprom Netherlands B.V.
* Gazprom Sakhalin Holdings B.V. - owns 50%+1 share in Sakhalin Energy, the operator of the Sakhalin-II oil and gas field
* NTV Plus B.V.
* NTV-НТВ Holding and Finance B.V
* PeterGaz B.V.
* Sib Finance B.V.
* Slovak Gas Holding B.V. – owns 49% of shares in SPP, a Slovak gas company
* West East Pipeline Project Investment (100%) - construction and investment company


* EuRoPol Gaz (48%) – operator of the Polish section of Yamal-Europe pipeline
* Gas Trading (18.4%) - gas trading


*WIEE Romania SRL (50%) - gas distribution
* WIROM Gas S.A. (2&%) - gas trading, controlled through WIEH


* YugoRosGaz (75%) - gas trading and transport
* Progress Gas (50%) - gas trading
* Naftna Industrija Srbije (acquisition of 51% has agreed) - national oil companycite news | url= |title=Serbia signs strategic energy deal with Russia | publisher=Reuters | date=2008-01-25 | accessdate=2008-01-25]


* Slovenský plynárenský priemysel - 49% shares are owned by Slovak Gas Holding B.V., a consortium of Gazprom, Gaz de France and E.ON Ruhrgas.cite news |url= | author=Stanislav Danák |title=Methodology for Evaluation of Costs associated with Storage of Natural Gas |publisher=ERRA - Tariff/Pricing Committee |date=2005-01-24 |accessdate=2007-07-02]
* Slovrusgaz (50%) - gas trading and transport


* Tagdem (7.6%) - gas trading


* Baltic LNG AG (80%) - a joint venture with Sovkomflot for the development and sale of LNG
* Gas Project Development Central Asia AG (50%) - a joint venture with Centrex Gas & Energy Europe AG
* Nord Stream AG (51%) – a joint project company with E.ON, BASF and Gasunie for the contraction and operation of the Nord Stream pipeline
* RosUkrEnergo AG (50%) - gas trading in Ukraine
* Shtokman Development AG (51%) - a joint project company with Total S.A. (25%) and StatoilHydro (24%) to develop Shtokman gas field first phase.cite web | publisher= Reuters | url= | title = Gazprom confirms Shtokman LNG export start in 2014 | date = 2008-02-21 | accessdate=2008-02-21]
* Sibur-Europe (100%) - investment company
* South Stream AG (50%) – a joint project company with Eni for the contraction and operation of the South Stream pipelinecite news | publisher=CNBC | url = | title= Eni, Gazprom set up company for South Stream gas pipeline | date=2008-01-18 | accessdate=2008-01-21]
* Wintershall Erdgas Handelshaus Zug AG (WIEE) (50%) - gas trading
* ZMB (Schweiz) AG (100%) - gas trading


* Bosphorus Gaz Corporation AS (40%) - a joint venture with Tur Enerji (Enerko and Avrasya)cite news | url = | title = Shell first to end Botas gas monopoly in Turkey | publisher = Reuters | date=2007-02-02 | accessdate = 2008-03-08]
* Turusgaz (45%) - a joint venture with BOTAS


* YuzhNIIgiprogaz

United Kingdom

* Gazprom UK Ltd (100%)- investment company
* Gazprom Marketing and Trading Limited (GM&T) (100%) - gas trading
* HydroWingas (25%) - gas trading
* Interconnector (UK) Limited (10%) - operator of the Interconnector pipeline
* Sibur International (100%) - petrochemicals
* WINGAS Storage UK Ltd. (33%) - underground gas storage reconstruction

Virgin Island

* Benton Solutions Inc.
* Media Financial Limited
* Nagelfar Trade & Invest Ltd.
* NTV Media International Limited
* Sib Oil Trade (100%) - oil trading


External links

* [ Gazprom's website]

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