- List of Gazprom's subsidiaries
Russian energy company
Gazprom has several hundred subsidiaries owned and controlled directly or indirectly. The subsidiaries are listed by countries. The list is incomplete.Russia
100% ownership
* Astrakhangazprom
* Bashtransgaz
* Burgaz
* Ecological and Analytical Center for the Gas Industry
* Gazpromexport
* Gazflot
* Gazkomplektimpex
* Gaznadzor
* Gazobezopasnost
* Gazoenergeticheskaya Kompaniya
* Gazpromenergo
* Gazprominvestarena
* Gazprominvestholding
* Gazpromokhrana
* Gazpromrazvitiye
* Gazpromstroyengineering
* Gazsvyaz
* Informgaz
* Informgazinvest
* Irkutskgazprom
* IRTs Gazprom
* Kaspiygazprom
* Kavkaztransgaz
* Kubangazprom
* Lentransgaz
* Mostransgaz
* Mezhregiongaz
* Nadymgazprom
* Nadymstroygazdobycha
* NIIgazekonomika
* Novy Urengoy Gas Chemicals Company
* Noyabrskgazdobycha
* Science & Production Center Podzemgidromineral
* Orenburggazprom
* Permtransgaz
* Podzemgazprom
* Samaratransgaz
* Severgazprom
* Severneftegazprom – holder of the licenses to develop theYuzhno-Russkoye field
* Sevmorneftegaz - holder of the licenses to develop the Shtokman and Prirazlomnoe fields.
* Surgutgazprom
* Szhizhenny gaz
* Tattransgaz
* Temryukmortrans
* Tomsktransgaz
* TyumenNIIgiprogaz
* Tyumentransgaz
* Uraltransgaz
* Urengoygazprom
* Volgogradtransgaz
* Volgotransgaz
* Yamalgazinvest
* Yamburggazdobycha
* YugtransgazOwnership over 50%
* Dialoggazservice
* Ditangaz
* Electrogaz
* Fora Gazprom
* Future Fatherland Fund
* Gazenergoservice
* Gazcom
* Gazmash
* Gazpromgeofizika
*Gazprom Neft
* GazpromPurInvest
* Gazpromtrubinvest
* Gazprom YRGM Trading (100% - 1 share owned by BASF) - gas trader for purchasing gas from Sevmorneftegazcite news | url = http://www.downstreamtoday.com/News/Articles/200711/Gazprom_and_BASF_Form_Gas_Trading_Unit_7320.aspx | title = Gazprom and BASF Form Gas Trading Unit | publisher = Downstream Today |date =2007-11-27 | accessdate = 2007-11-28]
* Gaztelekom
* Giprogaztsentr
* Giprospetsgaz
* Krasnoyarskgazprom
* Orgenergogaz
* Promgaz
* SevKavNIPIgaz
* Tsentrenergogaz
* Tsentrgaz
* VNIPIgazdobycha
* Volgogaz
* Volgogradneftemash
* Vostokgazprom
* Zapsibgazprom
* ZarubezhneftegazOwnership 50% or less
* Achimgaz (50%) - joint venture with
* Caspian Oil Company
* GazAgroFriport
* Gaztransit
* Gaz-Truby
* Horizon Investment Company
* Mosenergo (49.9%)
*Novatek (19.9%)
* Prometey-Sochi
* Rosneftegazstroy
* Rosshelf
* SOGAZ Ltd. Insurance Group (100% before2004 )
* TsentrKaspneftegaz (50%) - joint venture withLukoil to develop Tsentralnaya field in the Caspian Sea (jointly withKazMunayGas )
* Tyumen Hotel
* Vega Investment Company
* VIP-Premier
* Vologdapromresurs
* YuzhNIIGiprogaz
* Zavod TBDArmenia
Armrosgazprom (58%)Austria
* ARosgas Holding AG (100%) - Gas marketingcite journal | publisher= Research Centre for East European Studies| title = Gazprom’s Expansion Strategy in Europe and the Liberalization of EU Energy Markets | url= http://se2.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=EINIRAS&fileid=7393BFDD-386A-FC6D-A5FF-52E70C1FD801&lng=en | format=PDF | author=Andreas Heinrich, Koszalin | journal= Russian Analytical Digest | issue=34 | date =
2008-02-05 | accessdate=2008-02-23]
* Centrex Europe Energy & Gas AG (100%) - owned through Gazprombankcite web | publisher=Gazprom | url= http://www.gazprom.ru/eng/news/2006/09/21184.shtml | title = Gazprom and Austrian companies extend contracts for Russian natural gas supply to Austria till 2027 | date =2006-09-29 | accessdate=2008-02-23]
* GHW (50%)- a joint venture withOMV for gas trading
* Sibneft Oil Trade GmbH (100%) - an oil trading company owned through Gazprom Neft
* ZGG-Zarubezhgazneftechim Trading GmbH (100%) - a gas trading company
* ZMB Gasspeicher Holding GmbH (66.67%) - 33.3% owned by Centrex Europe Energy & Gas AGcite web | publisher= ZMB GmbH | url= http://www.zmb.de/english/subsidiaries/zghg.php | title = ZMB Gasspeicherholding GmbH | accessdate=2008-02-23]Belarus
* Belgazprombank (50%)
* Beltransgaz (25%, will increase to 50% by 2009)Bulgaria
* Topenergo (100%) - gas trading and transport
* Overgas Inc. AD (50%) - a joint-venture with Overgas Holding AD for the gas tradingCayman Islands
* ZGG Cayman Holding Ltd. (100%) - investment company
* ZGG Cayman Ltd (100%) - investment companyCyprus
* Ecofran Marketing Consulting & Communication Services Company Limited
* GASEXCO Gas Exploration Company Ltd.
* Greatham Overseas Limited
* Private Company Limited by Shares GPBI (Cyprus) Ltd.
* Leadville Investments Ltd (100%) - investment company
* MF Media Finance (Overseas) Limited
* Odex Exploration Ltd. (20%) - 0il exploration
* NTV World Ltd. - media company
* Siritia Ventures Ltd. - investment companyCzech Republic
* Gas-Invest S.A. (37.5%)
* Vemex s.r.o. (33%)Estonia
Eesti Gaas AS (37.02%)Finland
Gasum Oy (25%)France
* Frangaz (50%) - a joint venture with
Gaz de France Germany
* Agrogaz GmbH (100%)
* Centrex Beteiligungs GmbH (38%) - gas trading and investment company
* Ditgaz (49%)
* Verbundnetz Gas (5.3%) - gas transportation and marketing
* Gazprom Germania GmbH (100%)
* Wingas GmbH (50%) – a joint venture withWintershall , the subsidiary ofBASF , for a gas transportation and storage
* Wintershall Erdgas Handelshaus GmbH & Co. KG (50%) - a joint venture withWintershall for gas trading
* ZMB GmbH (100%) - gas trading
* ZMB Mobil (100%)- gas-fuelled automobile technology
* НТВ Europa GmbHGibraltar
* Bleakend Holdings Limited
Prometheus Gas (50%) - a joint company with Copelouzos GroupHungary
* Panrusgas Rt (40%) - a joint venture with MOL for trading and transport
* Borsodchem (25%) - petrochemicals
* TVK (13.5%)
* DKG-EAST Co (38.1%) - oil and gas equipment manufacturing
* Gazkomplekt KFT
* NTV Hungary Commercial Limited Liability CompanyIreland
*GPB Finance Plc. - investment company
* N.T.V. Global Network (Israel) Ltd.
* Volta SpA (49%) - a joint venture with
Edison S.p.A.
* Promgas (50%) - a joint venture with ENIKazakhstan
* KazRosGaz (50%) - a joint venture with
KazMunayGas Kyrgyzstan
* Munai Myrza
Latvijas Gāze (34%)Lichtenstein
* IDF Anlagegesellschaft - investment company (holding via Siritia Ventures Ltd., Cyprus)
Lietuvos Dujos (37.1%)
* Kaunas CHP (100%)
* Stella Vitae (30%)Moldova
* Moldovagaz
* Brochan B.V.
* BSPS B.V. (50%) - operator of theBlue Stream pipeline
* Gazinvest Finance B.V.
* Gazprom Finance B.V.
* Gazprom Netherlands B.V.
* Gazprom Sakhalin Holdings B.V. - owns 50%+1 share in Sakhalin Energy, the operator of theSakhalin-II oil and gas field
* NTV Plus B.V.
* NTV-НТВ Holding and Finance B.V
* PeterGaz B.V.
* Sib Finance B.V.
* Slovak Gas Holding B.V. – owns 49% of shares in SPP, a Slovak gas company
* West East Pipeline Project Investment (100%) - construction and investment companyPoland
* EuRoPol Gaz (48%) – operator of the Polish section of
Yamal-Europe pipeline
* Gas Trading (18.4%) - gas tradingRomania
*WIEE Romania SRL (50%) - gas distribution
* WIROM Gas S.A. (2&%) - gas trading, controlled through WIEHerbia
* YugoRosGaz (75%) - gas trading and transport
* Progress Gas (50%) - gas trading
*Naftna Industrija Srbije (acquisition of 51% has agreed) - national oil companycite news | url=http://uk.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUKL2515142420080125 |title=Serbia signs strategic energy deal with Russia | publisher=Reuters | date=2008-01-25 | accessdate=2008-01-25]lovakia
Slovenský plynárenský priemysel - 49% shares are owned by Slovak Gas Holding B.V., a consortium of Gazprom,Gaz de France and E.ON Ruhrgas.cite news |url=http://www.erranet.org/index.php?name=OE-eLibrary&file=download&id=2851&keret=N&showheader=N | author=Stanislav Danák |title=Methodology for Evaluation of Costs associated with Storage of Natural Gas |publisher=ERRA - Tariff/Pricing Committee |date=2005-01-24 |accessdate=2007-07-02]
* Slovrusgaz (50%) - gas trading and transportlovenia
* Tagdem (7.6%) - gas trading
* Baltic LNG AG (80%) - a joint venture with
Sovkomflot for the development and sale of LNG
* Gas Project Development Central Asia AG (50%) - a joint venture with Centrex Gas & Energy Europe AG
*Nord Stream AG (51%) – a joint project company withE.ON ,BASF andGasunie for the contraction and operation of theNord Stream pipeline
* RosUkrEnergo AG (50%) - gas trading in Ukraine
* Shtokman Development AG (51%) - a joint project company withTotal S.A. (25%) andStatoilHydro (24%) to develop Shtokman gas field first phase.cite web | publisher= Reuters | url= http://uk.reuters.com/article/oilRpt/idUKL2182220920080221 | title = Gazprom confirms Shtokman LNG export start in 2014 | date =2008-02-21 | accessdate=2008-02-21]
* Sibur-Europe (100%) - investment company
* South Stream AG (50%) – a joint project company withEni for the contraction and operation of theSouth Stream pipelinecite news | publisher=CNBC | url = http://www.cnbc.com/id/22726999 | title= Eni, Gazprom set up company for South Stream gas pipeline | date=2008-01-18 | accessdate=2008-01-21]
* Wintershall Erdgas Handelshaus Zug AG (WIEE) (50%) - gas trading
* ZMB (Schweiz) AG (100%) - gas tradingTurkey
* Bosphorus Gaz Corporation AS (40%) - a joint venture with Tur Enerji (Enerko and Avrasya)cite news | url = http://uk.reuters.com/article/UK_SMALLCAPSRPT/idUKL0219827620070202 | title = Shell first to end Botas gas monopoly in Turkey | publisher =
Reuters | date=2007-02-02 | accessdate = 2008-03-08]
* Turusgaz (45%) - a joint venture with BOTASUkraine
* YuzhNIIgiprogaz
United Kingdom
* Gazprom UK Ltd (100%)- investment company
* Gazprom Marketing and Trading Limited (GM&T) (100%) - gas trading
* HydroWingas (25%) - gas trading
* Interconnector (UK) Limited (10%) - operator of theInterconnector pipeline
* Sibur International (100%) - petrochemicals
* WINGAS Storage UK Ltd. (33%) - underground gas storage reconstructionVirgin Island
* Benton Solutions Inc.
* Media Financial Limited
* Nagelfar Trade & Invest Ltd.
* NTV Media International Limited
* Sib Oil Trade (100%) - oil tradingReferences
External links
* [http://www.gazprom.com/ Gazprom's website]
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