

name = "Protosphagnum nervatum"
fossil_range = Permian

image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Bryophyta
classis = Sphagnopsida
subclassis = Sphagnidae
ordo = Protosphagnales †
familia = Protosphagnaceae †
genus = "Protosphagnum" †
species = "P. nervatum" †
binomial = "Protosphagnum nervatum"
binomial_authority = Nejburg, 1960

"Protospagnum nervatum" is the only known species of order Protosphagnales. In many ways, it resembles the living moss genus "Sphagnum", though its leaf cells are not as strongly dimorphic as in "Sphagnum". [Oostendorp, Cora. "The Bryophytes of the Palaeozoic and the Mesozoic". ("Bryophytum Bibliotheca", Band 34, 1987). ISBN 3-443-62006-X.]


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