

The Šota is a dance of primarily Muslims in Montenegro and Serbia, more commonly within the Sandžak region.

This dance is a type of Serbian kolo and is done at weddings and gatherings between a man and a woman. The dance consists of intricate fast-moving steps, the man and woman moving closer and farther away from each other in ordinance with the fast-paced rhythm, while dancing it is common for the woman to shake her handkerchief up in the air while performing the steps.

A song called "Sote mori sote" by Nenad Jovanovic, a Serbian folk singer,"Dünya Durma" by Candan Erçetina Turkish pop folk singer became a hit.

Albanians also have the same dance, where it is known as "Shotë".

ee also

* Elbette (Candan Erçetin album)

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