- Abu Madyan
Sidi Abu Madyan Shuayb ibn al-Hussein al-Ansari (1126-1198) was a
Sufi teacher, scholar and writer and poet. He is the single most important founder ofSufism in theMaghreb andAndalusia . He was born in Cantillama in the region ofSevilla and died inTlemcen . He was the teacher ofAbdeslam Ben Mchich and through Ben Mchich ofAbu-l-Hassan ash-Shadhili . Still young Abu Madyan moved toMorocco where he lived in Ceuta, Tanger andMarrakech . He received his religious education inFes , where he underwent the influence of the teachings ofAl-Jilani , Abu Yaza andAl-Ghazali (throughIbn Hirzihim et Abu Bakr Ibn al Arabi] , master of Abu Yaza. after his pilgrimage toMecca and studies in the Middle East, he returned to teach inBougie (nowAlgeria ). He is the patron saint ofTlemcen . His mausoleum and the nearby mosque in that city are masterpieces ofMerinid art.Ibn Arabi called Abu Madyan 'the teacher of teachers'.References
* [http://www.lotetree.co.uk/the-way-of-abu-madyan-20-p.asp Cornell, V.J. (editor and translator), The Way of Abu Madyan: Doctrinal and Poetic Works of Abu Madyan Shu’ayb al-Husayn al-Ansāri, Cambridge, RU The Islamic Texts Society, Golden Palm Series, 1996]
Proverbs and poems by Abu Madyan:
*"Bidayat al Mouridin", Ms 938, Bibliot. Nat. Alger.
*"Ouns al Wahid", Ms 2-105 (8) fol. 337-343, Bibliot. Nat. Paris, ed. in Cairo 1301-1884, with a commentary by Ahmed Bâ'chan.
*"Tahfat al Arib", pub. et trad. in Latin par F. de Dombay, Vindobonae, Ebn Médirai Mauri Fessani Sentenciae quaedam arabicae, 1805
*"Diwan", (collection of his poems) édit. Chaouar of Tlemcen, Damascus, 1938.
*See also : Bibliothèque Nationale Paris, Ms Arabes 1230, 3410, 4585, 5320. Bibliothèque Nat. Alger. Mss 59, 376, 1859.
*Medersa de Tlemcen, Mss. 28, 84.Publications on Abu Madyan:
*Addas, C., "Abu Madyan and Ibn ‘Arabi", in "Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi: A Commemorative Volume", ed. S. Hirtenstein y M. Tiernan, Shaftsbury, Dorset, 1993
* Miguel Asín Palacios, "Šâdilîes y alumbrados", Libros Hiperión, Madrid, 1990, págs. 30-37
* Terry Graham, "Abu Madian: Un sufí español representante de la gnosis del Jorâsân", in: "Sufí nº 3", Editorial Nur, Madrid, primavera de 2002, pp. 34-41. (Nota de la Redacción)
*Abu l-Abbas Ahmad Ibn Qunfud, "Uns al-Faqir wa Izz al-Haqir", Rabat, Université Mohammed V, 1965,
*Text in Arabic, ed. by Mohammed El Fassi and Adolphe Faure with an introduction in French: "Enquête sur la vie, les maîtres et les disciples de Sidi Bu-Madian et voyages à travers le Maroc." Contribution à l'étude de l'Histoire religieuse du Maroc. ( Levi-Provençal " les Manuscrits arabes de Rabat N° 385 et E.I. - III - 867 )
*"Un saint de première grandeur, Sidi Abou Madian", Edition Sekkal
*Mohamed Souheil Dib, "La nourriture de la passion, sur la pensée de l'œuvre d'Abû Madian", (Essai) - Éditions Âl-Ouns, Paris, 2003External links
*"Revista Sufi", numero 3, Terry Graham, "Abu Madian, Un sufí español representante de la gnosis del Jorāsān", (in Spanish) [http://www.nematollahi.org/revistasufi/leertex.php?articulo=37 rtr. 05-07-08]
*"The spiritual succession of Abu Madyan", (excerpt from:Titus Burckhardt , "Fez, City of Islam", ed. by The Islamic Texts Society, 1992, ISBN 0946621 [http://www.deenislam.co.uk/mix/shadhili.htm retr. 05-07-08]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.