Alyosha Mirny

Alyosha Mirny

Alyosha Mirny, ( _ru. Алёша МирныйRussian for 'Alyosha the Peaceful'), alternatively Romanised as "Aljoša Mirnõi", also known under the handle of "Face", is a (presumedly) Russian blogger of unpublished real identity.

In April 2007, he gained notoriety by publishing a number of calls for violent terrorist attacks, as a form of revenge for the relocation of Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, against targets in Estonia; in particular, communication and electricity networks, airports, and supplies of fuel and water. Estonian defence police investigated this under the sections of Estonian penal code criminalising incitement to criminal acts, vandalism, and terrorism. Having traced the blogger to a resident of Moscow publically identified only as "Aleksei", Estonian State Prosecutor's Office issued a request, under applicable MLAT, to Russian Federation's authorities for legal aid continuing the investigation, and eventually for bringing Mr. "Mirny" to trial. (The MLAT's operativeness depends on all the mentioned offences being unlawful under both state's laws.) Russian Federation refused cooperation, upon which Estonia issued an all-European arrest warrant for the suspect.


* Postimees 4 May 2007: [ Kapo tuvastas riigikukutamisele õhutanud Vene kodaniku]
* Äripäev 10 August 2007: [ Võimalikku riigipöördele õhutajat hakkab toitma süüdimõistmisel Eesti maksumaksja] by Kaisa Tahlfeld
* Äripäev 10 August 2007: [ Eesti andis käsu vahistada venelasest riigipööraja] by Agnes Ojala

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