- Partialism
Partialism refers to a sexual interest with an exclusive focus of a specific part of the body. [Milner, J. S., & Dopke, C. A. (1997). Paraphilia Not Otherwise Specified: Psychopathology and theory. In D. R. Laws and W. O'Donohue (Eds.), "Sexual deviance: Theory, assessment, and treatment." New York: Guilford. ] Partialism is categorized as a
paraphilia in the DSM-IV-TR of the American Psychiatric Association. [American Psychiatric Association. (2000). "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (4th ed., test revision). Washington, DC: Author.] Individuals with partialism sometimes describe the anatomy of interest to them as having equal or greater erotic attraction for them as do the genitals. [Kunjukrishnan, R., Pawlak, A., & Varan, L R. (1988). The clinical and forensic psychiatric issues of retifism. "Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 33," 819–825.]Partialism, such as for the foot, occurs both in heterosexual and homosexual individuals. [Weinberg, M. S., Williams, C. J., & Calhan, C. (1994). Homosexual foot fetishism. "Archives of Sexual Behavior, 23," 611–626.] [Weinberg, M. S., Williams, C. J., & Calhan, C. (1995). “If the shoe fits…”: Exploring male homosexual foot fetishism. "The Journal of Sex Research, 32," 17–27.]
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