Self-addressed stamped envelope

Self-addressed stamped envelope

A self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE), or just stamped addressed envelope (SAE) in the UK, is often just that: an envelope with the sender's name and address on it, with affixed paid postage and mailed to a company or private individual. Often, SASEs are used when requesting information about products or services. They are also used when querying literary agents.

Companies and charities use SASEs in order to save on postage; a consumer can afford the cost of a stamp and envelope, but the business does not want to pay for the postage on all the letters it sends out. One of the most common uses is when companies are legally required to send something upon request, such as a "winners list" at the end of a sweepstakes; the company will require a SASE with the request to avoid paying postage.

SASEs are also vital in the hobby of autograph collecting and amateur radio. An enthusiast will send a request to a celebrity or athlete through the mail. Included with the autograph request is a SASE, in which the celebrity or athlete is to return the autographed item. For amateur radio, operators will send a SASE when requesting the other station's QSL card.

International reply coupons

SASEs cannot easily be used for foreign mail, since senders rarely have supplies of mint foreign stamps. Rather, International reply coupons are used, and these can be purchased over the counter at Post Offices. In many cases and as a courtesy users of IRC's also send a Self Addressed Envelope to save the receiver the cost and time of buying and filling out an envelope.

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  • self addressed stamped envelope — ➔ envelope …   Financial and business terms

  • self-addressed stamped envelope — UK US noun [C] (US COMMUNICATIONS ► an envelope that you send someone with your name and address and a stamp on it, so that they can send you something in the mail: »To receive a poster, send a self addressed stamped envelope to the above address …   Financial and business terms

  • self-addressed stamped envelope — (SASE)  Preaddressed, postage included, envelope. When requesting information or submitting work to a publisher an SASE is often expected …   American business jargon

  • self-addressed — adjective Addressed to oneself. Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope. See Also: SAE, SASE …   Wiktionary

  • self-addressed stamped envelop — n. SASE, envelope bearing the address of the sender with affixed paid postage …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • stamped addressed envelope — ➔ envelope * * * stamped addressed envelope UK US noun [C] UK COMMUNICATIONS ► SAE(Cf. ↑sae): »Unsuccessful applicants will only receive a reply if they provide a stamped addressed envelope. → …   Financial and business terms

  • envelope — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ bulky, fat, thick ▪ large, small ▪ sealed ▪ return (AmE), self addressed …   Collocations dictionary

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