Toshio Mura

Toshio Mura

Toshio Mura is a retired Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA. He received his MSc and PhD from the University of Tokyo.

Dr. Mura is a Walter P. Murphy Professor Emeritus and was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 1986.

Dr. Mura is interested in the micromechanics of solids. Examples of micromechanics are theories on fracture and fatigue of materials, mathematical analysis for dislocations and inclusions in solids, mechanical characterization of thin films, ceramics and composite materials.

Professor Mura is also interested in the inverse problems. His research aims to predict inelastic damages in solids by knowing surface displacements on the surface of the solids, including prediction of earthquake by knowing the earth surface. The inverse problems play an important role in qualitative nondestructive evaluation of materials. Most of Professor Mura's research is mathematically oriented but cooperative with experiments in mechanics and materials science.

elected publications

*Mura, T. 1969. Mathematical theory of dislocations. Proceedings of ASME Symposium, Northwestern University.
*Mura, T. 1981. Mechanics of fatigue. AMD-Vol. 47. Proceedings of ASME Symposium.
*Mura, T. 1987. Micromechanics of defects in solids (2nd ed.). The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.
*Mura, T., and T. Koya. 1992. Variational methods in mechanics. Oxford University Press.

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