Iulia Hasdeu Castle

Iulia Hasdeu Castle

Iulia Hasdeu Castle

The Iulia Hasdeu Castle is a folly house built in the form of small castle by historian and politician Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu in the city of Câmpina, Romania. Work on it began in 1893, after Hasdeu's daughter, Iulia Hasdeu, died at the age of 19, an event that dramatically shook and changed Hasdeu's life. He claimed that his belated daughter provided the plans for building the castle during sessions of spiritism (which took much of Hasdeu's imagination and time after Iulia's death). The building was completed in 1896.

The Iulia Hasdeu Castle , who was requiring a lot of reparation, even when Hasdeu was in life, was affected by the first world war and in 1924 the People's Atheneum of Campimna "B.P.Hasdeu" tries to take it for restoration. The castle was affected again by the Second World War and it keeps its state till 1955, when its name was written in the Listing of Historical Monuments. [ [http://www.ici.ro/romania/en/cultura/mz_iuliahasdeu.html The Castle "Iulia Hasdeu" ] ]

Since 1994 the Iulia Hasdeu Castle has been housing the "B.P.Hasdeu” Memorial Museum which displays furniture, personal belongings of Hasdeu family, photos and original documents, manuscripts, Hasdeu's reviews, many pictures made by Nicolae Grigorescu and Sava Hentia. [ [http://www.romaniahighlights.ro/castles_full.htm Romania Highlights - Castles & Palaces ] ]



* [http://www.thediplomat.ro/shopping_1008.php The Castle built by the Teenage Poet's Ghost]

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