École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville

École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville

Created in 1969, the École Nationale Supérieure of architecture of Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB denomination 2005) melts its teaching since the beginning on a principle: a base of knowledge related to an authentic culture of the project. It was built on a series of fundamental agreements:

- to reinforce in the teaching of architecture its character of higher education related on research and the possibility of offering a range of practices diversified to the graduate students,- to develop the science of the project, convergence of the knowledge and know-how, the theory and the practice,- to find relevant articulations and associations between the lesson and to develop the international partnerships,- to reaffirm that the teaching of architecture cannot be limited to a simple vocational training.

It results from the bursting of the section Architecture of the École Nationale Supérieure of the fine arts because a group of teachers and students had wanted to give up the academism, had wanted to convene other disciplines that that of the only project, that one crosses the disciplines, that one proceeds by analogy, by mutual enrichment, in order to give the conscience of architecture and his limits in his implications historical, ideological, sociological, philosophical. It was already the idea that the disciplines progress only because the discoveries of a field are transposable with another.


Same manner and as of its foundation the school wanted to found a singular dialogue between teaching project and scientific project and it is for that which as of the time it wished that the teachers parallel to carry out their teaching practices of theoretical research. It is that which led to the creation of a depending research laboratory IPRAUS from now on of a mixed unit of research.

The ENSAPB animates thus and manages a mixed unit of research "Architecture, Urbanism, Society" of 225 researchers, teacher-researchers and doctorands within 5 departments: the IPRAUS, laboratory of the ENSAPB and the University of Paris X Nanterre created in 1986, team ACS of Paris-Malaquais, the LTMU of the French Institute of town planning and the University of Paris VIII, team GUEH of the University of Marne-the-Valley and the LRFDSS of the University of Paris XII. The UMR has the role to architectural research on architecture and urbanism one within our schools and institutes.

Research was constituted around several objects:

design, the project, its teaching, its architectural and urban scales,logics and strategies of formation of the city,the articulation between architectural forms and urban forms, density, the urban project, architectures of transport,policies and practices: the social construction of space, residential strategies, production and the use of domestic space and public spaces,constructive anatomy of the frame,compared architecture.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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