Holocaust Denial — This is the claim that the genocide of the Jews during World War II did not occur at all or that the Holocaust did not happen in the way historians have recorded it. Holocaust deniers reject the claim that Nazi Germany had a deliberate policy… … Historical dictionary of the Holocaust
Holocaust — The word derives from Greek and Latin and is translated as “something wholly burnt up” and, in its broader meaning, “a total destruction.” The Holocaust refers to the Nazi objective of annihilating every Jewish man, woman, and child who fell… … Historical dictionary of the Holocaust
Holocaust theology — refers to a body of theological and philosophical debate, soul searching, and analysis, with the subsequent related literature, that attempts to come to grips with various conflicting views about the role of God in this human world and the events … Wikipedia
Holocaust Memorial Day (UK) — Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) is a national event in the United Kingdom dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. It was first held in January 2001, and has been on 27 January every year since. The chosen date is the… … Wikipedia
Laws Against Holocaust Denial — Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European nations. Many countries also have broader laws that criminalize genocide denial. In addition, the European Union has issued a directive to combat racism and xenophobia, which makes provision… … Historical dictionary of the Holocaust
Holocaust (disambiguation) — Holocaust can mean: * The Holocaust, or Shoah, the systematic killing mainly of six million Jews, but also of Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals and other undesirable groups in Europe during World War II. Since 1978, this has been the main meaning of… … Wikipedia
HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY — (Heb. יוֹםהַשּׁוֹאָה; Yom ha Sho ah). In a resolution passed by the Knesset (April 12, 1951) the 27th day of Nisan was proclaimed as Holocaust and Ghetto Uprising Remembrance Day – a day of perpetual remembrance for the House of Israel. This date … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Holocaust trivialization debate — Holocaust trivialization is the term used to describe the metaphorical (or otherwise comparative) use of the word Holocaust. Numerous authors argue that such uses trivialize the meaning of the Holocaust, and many consider them offensive. [… … Wikipedia
HOLOCAUST, THE — HOLOCAUST, THE, NBC television film The Holocaust, by Gerald Green, first shown in United States in April 1978. It became a focal point for discussion and aroused considerable controversy. Appearing just one year after the mini series Roots, it… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Holocaust Museum Houston — Das Holocaust Museum Houston ist eine im Jahr 1996 in Houston, Texas, eröffnete Gedenkstätte für die Opfer des Holocaust. Es ist Teil des Houston Museum District. Das Museum ist das viertgrößte seiner Art in den Vereinigten Staaten. Seine Mission … Deutsch Wikipedia
Holocaust: Die rassistische Vernichtungspolitik Deutschlands — Der Antisemitismus wird Staatsdoktrin Mit dem Sieg des Nationalsozialismus über die Demokratie war 1933 der Antisemitismus Staatsdoktrin in Deutschland geworden. Zu den Stationen der Entwicklung gehörten im April 1933 der Boykott gegen… … Universal-Lexikon