- Kenneth Feder
Dr. Kenneth L. Feder is a professor of
archaeology atCentral Connecticut State University . [cite web|url=http://www.anthropology.ccsu.edu/faculty/feder/Feder.html|title=Feder's website at CCSU|accessdate=2007-08-12] He has authored several books on archaeology [cite web|url=http://www.us.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Archaeology/?view=usa=|title=Oxford University Press: Linking to the Past: Kenneth L. Feder|accessdate=2007-08-12] [cite web|url=http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0073107700/information_center_view0/=|title=McGraw Hill:The Past in Perspective: An Introduction to Human Prehistory Kenneth L. Feder|accessdate=2007-08-12] and criticism ofpseudoarchaeology such as "".cite web|url=http://www.cicap.org/congress/feder.html|title=Kenneth Feder|accessdate=2007-08-12] He gained hisBachelor of Arts inAnthropology in1973 from theState University of New York at Stony Brook , his Master of Arts in anthropology from theUniversity of Connecticut in 1975 and his Ph.D. in anthropology in 1982. He is the founder and director of theFarmington River Archaeological Project which studies the prehistory of the region. He has also appeared on theancient astronauts episode of theNational Geographic Channel 's "Is It Real? " and several episodes of theBBC documentary series "Horizon" discussingAtlantis andCaral .References
External links
*imdb name|id=1570853
* [http://www.theskepticsguide.org/skepticsguide/podcastinfo.asp?pid=56 Interview with Kenneth Feder]
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2001/caraltrans.shtml Transcript of BBC Horizon Show on Caral featuring Kenneth Feder]
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