Andrej Preston

Andrej Preston

Andrej Preston (born c. 1986), also known under the pseudonym Slonček (meaning "little elephant" in Slovenian), is the founder of the former BitTorrent site

The Slovenian publication Mladina revealed in November 2004 that he was 18 years old and a student at the Waldorf High School in Ljubljana, Slovenia. [] After having shut down in December 2004, he became the target of a police investigation in early 2005, and two computers of his were confiscated. In October 2005 the prosecutor announced that no charges would be filed and the computers were returned.

Now Andrej Preston has given the domain to The Pirate Bay. The Pirate Bay has relaunched it as of August 21, 2007.

On August 25 2007, he moved to San Francisco, California, where he is visiting Academy of Art University.

External links

* [ Sloncek's Blog] Andrej Preston's blog describing his experience after he moved to USA
* [] , Interview with Sloncek - 25.8.2007 (Slovenian lang.)
* []

* [ The Story of a Legend] , by Michael Ingram, May 7, 2006

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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