

Kubat is a Turkish folk singer and composer distinguished with his particular style and his applied use of electronic instruments in his songs. He is from an Alevi background (http://www.aksam.com.tr/arsiv/aksam/2003/09/29/yasam/yasam2.html).

Born in Antwerp in 1974 to a family of Turkish immigrants to Belgium from Emirdağ and now based in Turkey since over a decade, he was advantaged by the opportunities and outlets his talents found already at a very early age. He started to play his father's "cura" (a smaller version of bağlama) at the age of 5, sang in a restaurant at 8 and was even admitted in his teens into a 300-member church choir as its only Muslim member according to his web site. His family is certified to possess artistic background, since his uncle Şemsettin Kubat is an important poet of Turkish folk literature who is based in Emirdağ. [cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313B6B8DA541AA02A1117D2D5A69F8BEE91 Profile:| title = Şemsettin Kubat|author=|publisher=Turkish Ministry of Culture| access date=|language=Turkish ]

Based principally in Turkey as of the end the 1980s, Kubat released his first album, carrying the same title as his screen name, "Kubat", in 1996. Five other albums, each presenting particular characteristics but all of them also bearing his now unmistakable print, were released by Kubat to this day. These are;

* 1998: Bugün ("Today")
* 1999: Bir ayrılık, bir yoksulluk, bir ölüm ("A separation, a poverty, a death")
* 2001: Arşiv ("Archive") 1-2-3. Consisting of a set with three albums uniting 35 anonymous Turkish folk songs, this album was notable in displaying Kubat reaching deep into the traditions, to come out strengthened in his art. The album was accompanied by an 80-page booklet prepared in eight languages giving details of the story related to each song.
* 2003: Lokman on the other hand was a tentative tour de force encompassing diverse influences from rock music, pop music, jazz and classical music introduced into Turkish folk music

His efforts for combining the traditions with international and novel elements were consecrated in a huge concert in 2002, orchestrated by René Giessen, titled "Anadolu Güneşi" ("Anatolian Sun") and held in İstanbul's Lütfi Kırdar concert hall.

His most recent album "Yare doğru" ("Towards the loved one"), announced to be in a more conservative outlook, is presently in phase of being released.

Notes and References

* [http://www.kubat.com.tr Official site]

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