Hélmer Herrera

Hélmer Herrera

Francisco Hélmer Herrera Buitrago also known as "Pacho" and "H7", (born on August 24, 1951 in Palmira, Valle del Cauca - Died on November 4, 1998 in Palmira, Valle del Cauca) was a Colombian drug trafficker, fourth in command in the Cali Cartel. Believed to be the son of Benjamin Herrera Zuleta, an Afro-Colombian smuggler known as the "Black Pope."cite news|url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,157350,00.html |publisher=Time Magazine |date=June 24, 2001 |title=Cover Stories: New Kings of Coke |author=Elaine Shannon Washington]

Early years

Herrera grew up in the Colombian town of Palmira in the Valle del Cauca Department. While in high school, Herrera studied technical maintenance, experience that got him a job later in the United States. While living in the United States he also became a jeweler and precious metals broker until he began selling cocaine in New York City. In 1975 and later in 1978 Herrera was arrested on distribution charges in New York City for selling cocaine.cite news|url=http://www.terra.com.co/actualidad/nacional/22-12-2003/nota127807.html |title=Los bienes de 'Pacho' Herrera |date=December 22, 2003 |publisher=El Tiempo es icon] cite book|title=Transnational Criminal Organizations, Cybercrime, and Money Laundering: A Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers, Auditors, and Financial Investigators |author=James R. Richards |pages=21, 20 |publisher=CRC Press |year=1998] cite news|title=Surrender of Last Cali Mafia Leader |publisher=United States Drug Enforcement Administration |date=September 4, 1996 |url=http://www.dea.gov/pubs/pressrel/pr960904.htm]

Cali Cartel

It is believed in 1983 Herrera went to Cali, Colombia to negotiate supply and distribution rights with the Cali Cartel for New York City. He would later open up trafficking routes for the Cali Cartel through Mexico with connection he had previously established. In conjunction with new trafficking routes, Herrera also ran one of the "... most sophisticated and profitable money laundering operations" according to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. Herrera was soon promoted to Cali cartel kingpin and given control over the southern Cali city of Jamundí and northern Cali cities Palmira and Yumbo.cite book|title=The Bullet Or the Bribe: Taking Down Colombia's Cali Drug Cartel |author=Ron Chepesiuk |pages=238, 25, 67 |publisher=Praeger Publishers |year=2003]

The Herrera operation according to the DEA involved importing cocaine base from Peru and Bolivia, which would be trafficked via his own transportation to conversion laboratories in Colombia. It is believed Herrera hired guerrilla forces such as Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia ( _en. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) (FARC) and then guerrilla group 19th of April Movement ( _es. Movimiento 19 de Abril, M-19), to guard remote lab sites.

During the narco-terror war waged by Pablo Escobar on the Colombian Government, it is believed a hired assassin attempted to kill Herrera while he was attending a sports event. The gunman opened fire with a machine gun on the crowd where Herrera was sitting, killing 19, however not hitting Herrera. In response to the attempted assassination, the Cali cartel responded by kidnapping and killing Gustavo Gaviria, cousin to Pablo Escobar.cite book|title=Cocaine: An Unauthorized Biography |author=Dominic Streatfeild |pages=360 |year=2002 |publisher=Thomas Dunne Books]

Law enforcement actions

In November 1991, the DEA launched Operation Kingpin, of which two of Herreras' distribution cells in New York City were targeted. Through a large scale wiretap effort, the DEA utilized over 100 simultaneous, court-authorized wiretaps on cellular phones. At the close of Operation Kingpin close to 100 traffickers were arrested, more than $20 million in cash and assets were seized, and over 2.5 tons of cocaine seized. In addition records of transactions and personnel were seized from computers, that information later provided a greater look into the Cali Cartel cell structure.cite book|title=DEA History: Part 2 |publisher=United States Drug Enforcement Administration |url=http://www.usdoj.gov/dea//pubs/history/history_part2.pdf |year=2003|format=PDF]

On September 1, 1996, Herrera turned himself in at the Colombian National Police unit, the Search Bloc, ( _es. Bloque de Busqueda). Herrera was the last of the seven leaders of the Cali Cartel to be captured.


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