

Heilbron is a small farming town in the Free State province of South Africa which services the cattle, dairy, wheat, sunflower and maize industries. This area was originally inhabited by the Le Goya people. In 1836 Chief Mzilikazi fought off the invading Voortrekkers at Vegkop near here. The British built a concentration camp here during the Boer War to house Boer women and children.

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  • Heilbron — ist der Name von Friedrich Heilbron, deutscher Staatsbeamter und Diplomat John Heilbron, US amerikanischer Wissenschaftshistoriker Rose Heilbron (1914–2005), britische Juristin einer Siedlung in der südafrikanischen Provinz Freistaat, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Heilbron — es una pequeña ciudad agrícola en la Provincia del Estado Libre en Sudáfrica, que cuenta con ganado, lechería, trigo, girasol e industrias del maíz. Esta área fue al principio habitada por los Le Goya. En 1836 el Jefe Mzilikazi repelió la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Heilbron — Original name in latin Heilbron Name in other language Heilbron State code ZA Continent/City Africa/Johannesburg longitude 27.28115 latitude 27.9709 altitude 1539 Population 55196 Date 2012 07 12 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • Heilbron (Südafrika) — Heilbron …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Heilbron (surname) — Heilbron is a variation of the Jewish surname Heilprin and may refer to: * Ian Heilbron, British chemist * Brently Heilbron, (born 1976), American satirist * David Heilbron (1762 1847), Dutch physician * Rose Heilbron (1914 2005) British * Vivien …   Wikipedia

  • HEILBRON, SIR IAN MORRIS — (1886–1959), British organic chemist. Born in Glasgow, he joined the staff of the Royal Technical College there. In World War I he was assistant director of supplies in Salonika. In 1920 he was appointed to the chair of organic chemistry at… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • HEILBRON, DAME ROSE — (1914–2005), English lawyer. Born in Liverpool, Rose Heilbron was admitted to the bar in 1939 and rapidly established a reputation as a criminal advocate of exceptional ability. In 1949, she was made a king s counsel and in 1956 she was made… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Rose Heilbron — Dame Rose Heilbron, DBE, QC, (19 August 1914 8 December 2005) was one of the outstanding defence barristers of the post war period in the UK, whose career included many firsts for a woman she was the first woman to win a scholarship to Gray s Inn …   Wikipedia

  • Vivien Heilbron — Infobox actor name=Vivien Heilbron birthdate=birthdate and age|1944|5|13 birthplace=Glasgow, United Kingdom spouse=David RintoulVivien Heilbron (b. May 13 1944 in Glasgow) is a Scottish actress. [ [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0374132/ Vivien… …   Wikipedia

  • Friedrich Heilbron — Friedrich Gottlieb Maximilian Heilbron (* 3. November 1872 in Berlin; † 23. September 1954 ebenda) war ein deutscher Diplomat und Staatsbeamter. Er amtierte zweimal (1920 bis 1921 und 1923) als Reichspressechef. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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