Wilhelm Harnisch

Wilhelm Harnisch

Wilhelm Harnisch is the Chief Executive Officer of Master Builders Australia, the principal Australian Lobby Group for the building and construction industry. He is based in Canberra, Australia.

Mr Harnisch has been with the MBA since 1991 and was involved in the housing industry before that. [cite web | year = 2002 | url = http://www.royalcombci.gov.au/docs/transcripts/Day%200157%20-%2025-Sep-2002.pdf | title = Transcript from 25 September 2002 of Cole Commission: page 89 onwards of this document contains sworn statement by Mr Harnisch including details of his role | format = pdf | work = Transcript of proceedings from the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry | publisher = Spark & Cannon | accessdate = 2007-08-09 and cite web | year = 2002 | url =http://www.royalcombci.gov.au/docs/transcripts/Day%200153%20-%2019-Sep-2002.pdf| title = Transcript from 19 September 2002 of Cole Commission: page 14 onwards of this document contains address to the Commission by Mr Harnisch including details of his role | format = pdf | work = Transcript of proceedings from the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry | publisher = Spark & Cannon | accessdate = 2007-08-09]


External links

* [http://www.masterbuilders.com.au/about.html About Master Builders Australia with information on organisational structure]

*cite news | first= Gillian | last= Bradford | author= | url= http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2007/s1922452.htm | title= Master Builders Association meets with ALP to protest IR plans | work= The World Today - radio transcript | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date= 14 May 2007 | accessdate= 2007-08-09

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