

name = "Zospeum"

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
ordo = Pulmonata
subordo = Eupulmonata
superfamilia = Ellobioidea
familia = Ellobiidae
subfamilia = Carychiinae
subfamilia = Carychiinae
genus = "Zospeum"

"Zospeum" is a genus of gastropod in the Ellobiidae family.


It contains the following species:

* "Zospeum allegrettii" Conci, 1956
* "Zospeum alpestre" (Freyer, 1855)
* "Zospeum amoenum" (Frauenfeld, 1856)
* "Zospeum bellesi" E. Gittenberger, 1973
* "Zospeum biscaiense" Gómez & Prieto, 1983
* "Zospeum cariadeghense" Allegretti, 1944
* "Zospeum exiguum" Kušcer, 1932
* "Zospeum frauenfeldi" (Freyer, 1855)
* "Zospeum galvagnii" Conci, 1956
* "Zospeum globosum" Kušcer, 1928
* "Zospeum isselianum" Pollonera, 1887
* "Zospeum kusceri" A.J. Wagner, 1912
* "Zospeum lautum" (Frauenfeld, 1854)
* "Zospeum obesum" (Frauenfeld, 1854)
* "Zospeum pretneri" Bole, 1960
* "Zospeum schaufussi" Frauenfeld, 1862
* "Zospeum spelaeum" (Rossmässler, 1839)
* "Zospeum suarezi" E. Gittenberger, 1980
* "Zospeum subobesum" Bole, 1974
* "Zospeum turriculatum" Allegretti, 1944

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