

name = "Gibberula"

regnum = Animalia
subregnum = Eumetazoa
superphylum = Protostomia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
subclassis = Orthogastropoda
superordo = Caenogastropoda
ordo = Sorbeoconcha
subordo = Hypsogastropoda
infraordo = Neogastropoda
superfamilia = Muricoidea
familia = Cystiscidae
subfamilia = Persiculinae
genus = "Gibberula"
genus_authority = Swainson, 1840
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.
synonyms = "Granula" Jousseaume, 1875
"Kogomea" Habe, 1951
"Dentiginella" Laseron, 1957
"Epiginella" Laseron, 1957
"Lataginella" Laseron, 1957
"Phyloginella" Laseron, 1957
"Vetaginella" Laseron, 1957
"Diluculum" Barnard, 1962

"Gibberula" is a genus of minute sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk or micromollusk. This genus is sometimes placed in the family Cystiscidae and sometimes left in the family Marginellidae, the margin shells or marginellids.

(Note: Gastropod taxonomy has been in flux for many years. This is especially true currently, because of new research in molecular phylogeny. Because of all this ongoing change, different reliable sources can yield very different classifications, especially within certain poorly understood groups.)

The type species of the genus "Gibberula" Swainson, 1840 is "G. zonata" Swainson.

Other genus-group names are available for small shells resembling "Gibberula". These include "Granula" Jousseaume, 1875 and "Kogomea" Habe, 1951. They are distinguished from "Gibberula" only on the basis of smaller size and other rather tenuous conchological differentiations.

Shell description

The shell of this genus is 1.5 to 10 mm in length, ovoid, stout, with a small, low spire. The outer lip is thickened but without an external varix. It is usually denticulated inside. The columella has several plaits on a thickened rim, decreasing in size towards the posterior end. The siphonal canal is distinctly notched.


Head and foot

The head is deeply divided in two. There are two short cephalic tentacles and two small anterior lobes. The eyes are a short distance behinde the tentacles. The mouth is provided with an extensible proboscis.The foot is only slightly longer than the shell when extended. In some species, the sole lies flat on the substrate when the animal is crawling. Others have the edge of the propodium raised, developed as parapodia which fit the head/tentacles in the manner of many tectibranchs.
Color pattern of the head and foot is a useful taxonomic character in all the species.


The mantle does not extend over the shell during normal activity. A tongue shaped, translucent lobe may be seen on the left side in some instances.The internal mantle is usually visible through the shell. It may be brightly coloured in the smaller species with a featureless, translucent shell, and its pattern is then continued into the spire over the visceral mass.The siphon is short and unconspicuous, often bordered by a small pad.


All species of marginellids have a direct development without a planktonic phase.


* "Gibberula abyssicola" Monterosato in Locard, 1897
* "Gibberula achenea" Roth & Coan, 1971
* "Gibberula aequatorialis" Thiele, 1925
* "Gibberula agapeta" Watson, 1886
* "Gibberula albotriangularis" Rolan & Fernandes, 1997
* "Gibberula aldridgei" Usticke, 1969
* "Gibberula almadiensis" Pin & Boyer, 1994
* "Gibberula almo" Bartsch, 1915
* "Gibberula atlantidea" Knudsen, 1956
* "Gibberula aurata" Bavay, 1913
* "Gibberula asellina" Jousseaume, 1875
* "Gibberula bengelensis" Jousseaume, 1875
* "Gibberula bribri" Espinosa y Ortea, 2000
* "Gibberula bulbosa" Reeve, 1865
* "Gibberula burnupi" Sowerby III, 1897
* "Gibberula caelata" (Monterosato, 1897)
* "Gibberula caribetica" Espinosa and Ortea, 2002
* "Gibberula cherubini" (Bavay, 1912)
* "Gibberula chudeaui" Bavay, 1910
* "Gibberula columnella" Bavay, 1913
* "Gibberula compressa" Laseron, 1957
* "Gibberula confusa" Gofas, 1988
* "Gibberula cristata" Gofas, 1988
* "Gibberula crustata" (Locard, 1897)
* "Gibberula cucullata" Gofas & Fernandes, 1987
* "Gibberula decorfasciata" Rolan & Fernandes, 1997
* "Gibberula dens" Reeve, 1865
* "Gibberula diadema" Pin & Boyer, 1994
* "Gibberula differens" E. A. Smith, 1904
* "Gibberula diplostreptus" May, 1916
* "Gibberula dulcis" E.A. Smith, 1904
* "Gibberula encaustica" Reeve, 1865
* "Gibberula epigrus" Reeve, 1865
* "Gibberula evadne" Dall & Simpson, 1901
* "Gibberula falsijaponica" (Habe, 1961)
* "Gibberula ficula" Murdoch & Suter, 1906
* "Gibberula gabryae" Bozzetti, 1993
* "Gibberula gruveli" Bavay, 1913
* "Gibberula hardingae" Dell, 1956
* "Gibberula hernandezi" Contreras & Talavera, 1988
* "Gibberula infundibulum" Bozzetti, 1994
* "Gibberula inopinata" Barnard, 1962
* "Gibberula insularum" Roth & Coan, 1971
* "Gibberula jansseni" Arsten Menkhorst & G., 1984
* "Gibberula jeanae" Lussi & Smith, 1998
* "Gibberula lavalleana" d'Orbigny, 1842
* "Gibberula lazaroi" Contreras, 1992
* "Gibberula lifouana" Crosse, 1871
* "Gibberula lorenziana" Bozzetti, 1997
* "Gibberula louisae" Bavay, 1913
* "Gibberula lucia" Jousseaume, 1877
* "Gibberula mazagonica" Mellvill, 1892
* "Gibberula mendacis" Gofas, 1988
* "Gibberula miliaria" (Linné, 1758)
* "Gibberula mimetica" Gofas, 1989
* "Gibberula minor" Adams, 1852
* "Gibberula modica" Gofas & Fernandes, 1987
* "Gibberula novemprovincialis" (Yokoyama, 1928)
* "Gibberula oryza" Lamarck, 1822
* "Gibberula ovata" Habe, 1951
* "Gibberula pacifica" Pease, 1868
* "Gibberula pallata" Bavay, 1913
* "Gibberula pascuana" Rehder, 1980
* "Gibberula philippi" (Monterosato, 1878)
* "Gibberula polita" Carpenter, 1857
* "Gibberula punctilum" Gofas & Fernandes, 1987
* "Gibberula quadrifasciata" (Marrat, 1873)
* "Gibberula rauli" Fernandes, 1988
* "Gibberula recondita" Monterosato, 1884
* "Gibberula ros" Reeve, 1865
* "Gibberula rufanensis" Turton, 1932
* "Gibberula sansibarica" Thiele, 1925
* "Gibberula savignyi" Issel, 1869
* "Gibberula scalarispira" Bozzetti, 1997
* "Gibberula sebastiani" Bozzetti, 1997
* "Gibberula secreta" Monterosato, 1889
* "Gibberula striata" Laseron, 1957
* "Gibberula sueziensis" Issel, 1869
* "Gibberula subbulbosa" Tate, 1878
* "Gibberula subtrigona" Carpenter, 1865
* "Gibberula tantula" Gofas, 1989
* "Gibberula tenera" Menke, 1830
* "Gibberula terverianella" Bavay, 1922
* "Gibberula turgidula" Locard & Caziot, 1900
* "Gibberula vignali" (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896)
* "Gibberula zonata" Swainson, 1840 T


* 1995 - "Revision of the Supraspecific Classification of Marginelliform Gastrapods. The Nautilus" 109(2 & 3):43-110
*:: 1999. "Descripción de nuevas marginelas (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Marginellidae) de Cuba y del Caribe de Costa Rica y Panamá". Avicennia 10/11:165-176.:: 2000. "Descripción de un género y once especies nuevas de Cystiscidae y Marginellidae (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) del Caribe de Costa Rica". Aviccenia 12/13:95-114.:: 2002. "Nuevas especies de margineliformes de Cuba, Bahamas y el Mar Caribe de Costa Rica". Avicennia 15:101-128.
* :: 1987. "Le Genre Gibberula (Marginellidae) en Mediterranee. Atti del II Congresso Societa Italiana di Malacologia". No. 23, 113-119:: 1989. "The Marginellidae of Angola: The genus Gibberula". Journal of Conchology Vol. 33 (1989), No. 3, 109-139
*. "Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman". Tomo I
* 1999. "Cystiscidae in South Africa. Part 1 Genus Gibberula, Persicula & Canalispira". (Aug. 1999)
* 1976. "Type specimens of Mollusca in the collection of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Type specimens of recent Marginellidae". Basteria, Vol. 40, No. 1
* 1998. "Taxones publicados en Iberus (1981-1997)". Iberus
* 2000. 2000 - "Marine Mollusks in Japan"
*. "Checklist of the Angolan marine molluscs. Reseñas Malacológicas X" (June 1999)
* 1973. "A review of the Marginellidae described by Bavay, 1903-1922". The Veliger Vol. 16; No. 2: 207-215
* 1932. "The Marine Shells of Port Alfred, S. Africa". Oxford University Press

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