- Bythinella
name = "Bythinella"
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Shell of "compressa"-type "Bythinella reyniesii " on 1 millimetre grid paper
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Mollusca
classis =Gastropoda
subclassis =Orthogastropoda
superordo =Caenogastropoda
ordo =Sorbeoconcha
subordo =Hypsogastropoda
infraordo =Littorinimorpha
superfamilia =Rissooidea
familia =Hydrobiidae
genus = "Bythinella"
genus_authority = Moquin-Tandon, 1856
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision =Many, see text"Bythinella" is a
gastropod genus in the familyHydrobiidae . Thesegonochoristic snail s are small animals, with a shell length of about 2-4 mmBichain "et al." (2007)] . "Amnicola " is a close relative, containingNorth American snails with essentially similar appearance andecology . Thescientific name means "small "Bithynia"; the latter snail genus is somewhat similar at a casual glance (though much larger) but not at all closely related among theRissooidea .The present genus occurs in springs, and sometimes
cave s orgroundwater , fromCatalonia across centralEurope to theAegean Region ofTurkey . In and aroundFrance a particularly high diversity of these snails is found. Due to the limited range and special and easily-destroyedhabitat , these snails are liable to becomeendangered species .elected species
More than 80
species andsubspecies are recognized at present. However, it is not at all clear that all of those recognized as good species are actually that distinct, and some in fact seem to be local morphs intead of validtaxa . Some undescribed species are also known to exist.* "
Bythinella austriaca "
* "Bythinella badensis "
* "Bythinella bavarica "
* "Bythinella bicarinata " (including "B. dunkeri", "B. lalindei", "B. moulinsii", "B. poujolensis")
* "Bythinella carinulata "
* "Bythinella cebennensis " (Dupuy, 1851) (including "B. anianensis" )
* "Bythinella cylindrica "
* "Bythinella eurystoma " (Paladilhe, 1870)
* "Bythinella intermedia "
* "Bythinella pannonica "
* "Bythinella padiraci "
* "Bythinella pupoides "
* "Bythinella robiciana "
* "Bythinella rubiginosa " (Boubee, 1833) (including "B. simoniana" )
* "Bythinella reyniesii " (including "B. compressa", "B. parvula")
* "Bythinella schmidtii "
* "Bythinella vesontiana "
* "Bythinella utriculus " (Paladilhe, 1874)
* "Bythinella viridis "
* "Bythinella" sp. 'Dufort-Lacapelette'
* "Bythinella" sp. 'Padirac'
* "Bythinella" sp. 'Rogues'Footnotes
* (2007): A gleam in the dark: Phylogenetic species delimitation in the confusing spring-snail genus "Bythinella" Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (Gastropoda: Rissooidea: Amnicolidae). "Mol. Phylogenet. Evol." 45(3): 927–941. doi|10.1016/j.ympev.2007.07.018 [http://bichain.free.fr/doc/bichain_etal_MolPhylEvol_2007.pdf PDF fulltext]
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